Cozad Invite 2024

Cozad, NE

Cozad Invite 2024 vs Cozad Invite 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -31 122 153
Overall Average -24.05 22:23.59 22:47.63
1st-10th Place -36.17 17:42.73 18:18.90
1st-25th Place -17.82 18:28.42 18:46.24
1st-50th Place +6.92 19:30.72 19:23.80
1st-100th Place +31.74 21:10.60 20:38.86
Common Athletes -- -- 26
Ran Faster 20 23 3
Ran Season Best 17 17 --
Average Time -1:23.77 20:41.54 22:05.31
Median Time -1:23.70 20:27.30 21:51.00
Middle 80% Times -1:27.98 20:39.88 22:07.86
Top 10% Times -1:22.20 17:26.13 18:48.33
Top 25% Times -1:23.73 17:51.13 19:14.86
Top 50% Times -1:31.82 18:23.02 19:54.85
Bottom 50% Times -1:15.71 23:00.06 24:15.77
Bottom 25% Times -1:24.86 24:06.14 25:31.00
Bottom 10% Times -1:05.20 25:18.13 26:23.33
Average Difference -1:23.77 -- --
Median Difference -39.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:26.32 -- --
Top 10% Difference -43.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:35.05 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:04.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:35.05 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:12.48 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:36.47 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:34.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Roman Urbom Holdrege High School -2:28.80 17:20.20 19:49.00
Michael Golus Holdrege High School -1:29.50 17:21.50 18:51.00
Sawyer Laflin Ogallala High School -3:33.30 17:36.70 21:10.00
Koang Deng Cozad High School -1:34.10 17:51.90 19:26.00
Xavier Thiems Kearney High School -1:43.20 18:01.80 19:45.00
Lorenzo Levario Cozad High School -23.30 18:17.70 18:41.00
Jackson Hansen Broken Bow -1:36.90 18:28.10 20:05.00
Andrew Walsh Kearney High School -17.80 18:35.20 18:53.00
Logan Bell Broken Bow -3:04.60 18:46.40 21:51.00
Josiah Coleman South Loup High School -1:44.00 18:54.00 20:38.00
Elijah Torres Kearney High School -2:03.70 18:56.30 21:00.00
Keith Morash Stapleton-McPherson County High School -1:03.30 19:03.70 20:07.00
Noah Canas Sidney High School +26.80 19:45.80 19:19.00
Daniel Hardin Sidney High School -1:51.70 20:27.30 22:19.00
Gavin Anderson Ogallala High School +1:19.00 22:28.00 21:09.00
Caleb McFate South Loup High School -2:06.60 21:15.40 23:22.00
Robert Snodgrass Kearney High School -39.80 21:39.20 22:19.00
Ivy Tullis South Loup High School -31.70 22:13.30 22:45.00
Eli Rogers South Loup High School -3:47.40 22:14.60 26:02.00
Jaycee Staples Broken Bow -1:40.80 22:47.20 24:28.00
Genesis Guevara Broken Bow -2:28.30 23:07.70 25:36.00
Maydee Guevara Broken Bow -3:42.20 23:17.80 27:00.00
Rylie Wistisen Broken Bow -36.10 23:35.90 24:12.00
Ali Trimble Stapleton-McPherson County High School -23.80 24:10.20 24:34.00
Crystal Hernandez Cozad High School +59.60 25:48.60 24:49.00
Margot Sturtevant Holdrege High School -12.40 25:55.60 26:08.00