North Platte St. Pats Invite 2024 vs North Platte St Pats Invite 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -32 93 125
Overall Average -2:33.52 22:29.55 25:03.07
1st-10th Place -59.80 17:20.00 18:19.80
1st-25th Place -1:12.96 18:19.32 19:32.28
1st-50th Place -1:18.22 19:43.22 21:01.44
1st-100th Place -2:24.89 20:55.08 23:19.97
Common Athletes -- -- 63
Ran Faster 51 57 6
Ran Season Best 27 27 --
Average Time -2:07.46 21:57.79 24:05.25
Median Time -1:25.00 21:51.00 23:16.00
Middle 80% Times -2:02.22 21:52.78 23:55.00
Top 10% Times -1:14.71 16:58.71 18:13.43
Top 25% Times -1:21.56 17:48.88 19:10.44
Top 50% Times -1:45.00 18:57.78 20:42.78
Bottom 50% Times -2:25.94 24:16.63 26:42.56
Bottom 25% Times -3:15.44 26:44.44 29:59.88
Bottom 10% Times -3:58.57 28:48.86 32:47.43
Average Difference -2:07.46 -- --
Median Difference -4:24.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:00.43 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:04.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:44.88 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:13.50 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:44.88 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:34.31 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:45.50 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:38.14 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Elijah Goodell Perkins County High School -1:43.00 15:44.00 17:27.00
Mason McGreer Perkins County High School -59.00 16:01.00 17:00.00
Kaser Johnson Doniphan-Trumbull -57.00 16:46.00 17:43.00
Tice Yost Doniphan-Trumbull -1:45.00 17:11.00 18:56.00
Coltan Ham North Platte St. Patrick's High School -2:04.00 17:31.00 19:35.00
Dimitri Pettit North Platte St. Patrick's High School -55.00 17:44.00 18:39.00
Ethan Elliott Hershey High School -1:31.00 17:54.00 19:25.00
Jordan Arensdorf Hershey High School -1:03.00 18:08.00 19:11.00
Ezra McConnell Hershey High School -1:54.00 18:09.00 20:03.00
Keith Morash Stapleton-McPherson County High School -3:16.00 18:12.00 21:28.00
Brock Tines Perkins County High School -2:17.00 18:15.00 20:32.00
Max Hanson Wallace High School -1:40.00 18:28.00 20:08.00
Porter Connick North Platte St. Patrick's High School -6.00 18:32.00 18:38.00
Ethan Swesey Perkins County High School -3:14.00 18:42.00 21:56.00
Landon Drews Paxton High School -1:07.00 18:49.00 19:56.00
Rylen Soundy Doniphan-Trumbull -1:22.00 18:56.00 20:18.00
Brayden Rader Doniphan-Trumbull -3:36.00 18:58.00 22:34.00
Logan Barry Perkins County High School -4:24.00 18:59.00 23:23.00
Jackson Arensdorf Hershey High School -2:37.00 19:01.00 21:38.00
Jacob Zakrzewski Doniphan-Trumbull +37.00 19:48.00 19:11.00
Cayler Hacker Hershey High School -50.00 19:15.00 20:05.00
Max Robinson Maxwell High School -3:18.00 19:36.00 22:54.00
Jayden Tillmen Brady High School -2:10.00 19:52.00 22:02.00
Cooper Kroeker Perkins County High School -2:28.00 19:59.00 22:27.00
Tim Blakely North Platte St. Patrick's High School -1:51.00 20:09.00 22:00.00
Ashley Robertson Wallace High School -2:09.00 20:21.00 22:30.00
Memphis Goodwin Sutherland High School -1:11.00 20:30.00 21:41.00
Luke Harper Sutherland High School -2:03.00 20:30.00 22:33.00
Noah Connick Hershey High School -18.00 20:38.00 20:56.00
Emmanuel Kiogora Perkins County High School -1:56.00 20:58.00 22:54.00
Brett Morgan Hershey High School -1:54.00 21:22.00 23:16.00
Cale Russman Hershey High School -2:35.00 21:51.00 24:26.00
Jasper Brewster Paxton High School +5.00 22:06.00 22:01.00
Ryleigh Hanson Wallace High School -1:34.00 22:31.00 24:05.00
Tobias Sward Stapleton-McPherson County High School -3:22.00 22:38.00 26:00.00
Chris Clark Garden County High School -3:26.00 22:40.00 26:06.00
Elliana Robertson Wallace High School -2:18.00 22:41.00 24:59.00
Natalie Jorgensen Paxton High School -1:43.00 22:48.00 24:31.00
Gavin Kohmetscher Perkins County High School -2:25.00 22:56.00 25:21.00
Zoe Johnson Brady High School +1:45.00 24:57.00 23:12.00
Max Buscher Sutherland High School -1:11.00 23:16.00 24:27.00
Kepler Spurgin Paxton High School +13.00 23:35.00 23:22.00
Keiliah Curtis Maxwell High School -3:01.00 23:34.00 26:35.00
Isaac Hoaglund South Platte High School -3:57.00 23:34.00 27:31.00
Edmond Hagin Brady High School -7:01.00 23:59.00 31:00.00
Ali Trimble Stapleton-McPherson County High School -3:02.00 24:00.00 27:02.00
Savvy Miles North Platte St. Patrick's High School -3:40.00 24:17.00 27:57.00
Morgan Leth Doniphan-Trumbull -4:36.00 24:26.00 29:02.00
Grace Cox Hershey High School -2:16.00 24:36.00 26:52.00
Violet Gentry Brady High School -5:10.00 24:47.00 29:57.00
Emma Elliott Hershey High School +45.00 25:36.00 24:51.00
Emry McGreer Perkins County High School -3:20.00 24:55.00 28:15.00
Jocelyn Franzen Brady High School -34.00 24:59.00 25:33.00
Brenna Colglazier Perkins County High School -53.00 25:17.00 26:10.00
Trevyn Tucker Perkins County High School -21.00 25:21.00 25:42.00
Reba Watts Doniphan-Trumbull -7.00 25:41.00 25:48.00
Nick Krondak North Platte St. Patrick's High School -3:02.00 26:02.00 29:04.00
Madi Swesey Perkins County High School -3:17.00 26:42.00 29:59.00
Mackenzie Sanchez Paxton High School -47.00 27:21.00 28:08.00
Emme Lucas Maxwell High School -2:04.00 28:25.00 30:29.00
Madisen Adams South Platte High School +50.00 30:13.00 29:23.00
Taylor McDole Doniphan-Trumbull -11:36.00 29:46.00 41:22.00
Bennett Korensky North Platte St. Patrick's High School -4:09.00 33:13.00 37:22.00