Syracuse Invitational 2024

Syracuse, NE

Syracuse Invitational 2024 vs Rich Ziegler Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +35 283 248
Overall Average +42.49 21:54.71 21:12.22
1st-10th Place -9.00 16:19.60 16:28.61
1st-25th Place -5.11 16:53.56 16:58.67
1st-50th Place -0.38 17:32.84 17:33.22
1st-100th Place +7.53 18:35.16 18:27.63
Common Athletes -- -- 81
Ran Faster -9 36 45
Ran Season Best -20 41 61
Average Time +7.96 20:49.29 20:41.33
Median Time +11.34 20:37.62 20:26.28
Middle 80% Times +4.89 20:39.10 20:34.21
Top 10% Times -40.41 16:17.33 16:57.74
Top 25% Times -32.87 17:05.54 17:38.41
Top 50% Times -16.95 18:16.95 18:33.91
Bottom 50% Times +32.69 22:51.16 22:18.47
Bottom 25% Times +1:04.70 25:23.33 24:18.63
Bottom 10% Times +1:33.09 27:37.20 26:04.11
Average Difference +7.96 -- --
Median Difference +28.76 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +5.89 -- --
Top 10% Difference -33.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference -12.15 -- --
Top 25% Difference -20.41 -- --
Top 50% Difference -12.15 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +28.59 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:10.94 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:24.74 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Joe Majerus Lincoln Pius X -31.90 15:39.38 16:11.28
David Krier Lincoln Pius X -56.23 15:41.71 16:37.94
Josiah Quinones Beatrice -1:26.31 15:46.91 17:13.22
Lucas Frazier Beatrice -2:32.46 16:13.65 18:46.11
George Ivanov Lincoln Pius X -3.38 16:27.79 16:31.17
Michael Rodgers Mt. Michael Benedictine High School -0.84 16:31.95 16:32.79
Damian Johnson Lincoln Pius X -47.11 16:37.36 17:24.47
Charlie Evans Aurora High School -1:05.31 16:47.09 17:52.40
Dayton Graves Syracuse High School -46.39 16:50.15 17:36.54
Hunter Mazzulla Plattsmouth High School +7.89 17:17.31 17:09.42
Noah Zach Lincoln Pius X -32.73 17:11.35 17:44.08
David Barkmeier Mt. Michael Benedictine High School -1:12.28 17:12.91 18:25.19
Evan Odvody Wilber-Clatonia High School -1:47.75 17:20.23 19:07.98
Jackson Teetor Mt. Michael Benedictine High School +27.04 17:49.88 17:22.84
Adam Lukert Thayer Central High School -10.17 17:36.34 17:46.51
Riley Moore Plattsmouth High School -2:28.13 17:40.07 20:08.20
Cuyler Aue Auburn +10.58 17:54.56 17:43.98
Xavier Apel Syracuse High School -30.54 17:44.04 18:14.58
Elliot Harden Syracuse High School -25.44 17:56.30 18:21.74
Alden McKnight Plattsmouth High School +16.85 18:13.61 17:56.76
Joel Moore Plattsmouth High School +27.43 18:32.35 18:04.92
Grant Eschiti Wilber-Clatonia High School -17.28 18:23.76 18:41.04
Bryan Morquecho Syracuse High School +7.14 18:34.50 18:27.36
Ryan Nicholson Wilber-Clatonia High School -3:14.38 18:29.24 21:43.62
Isaac Hestermann Syracuse High School +0.27 18:34.42 18:34.15
Sam Bousquet Lincoln Pius X +6.40 18:41.61 18:35.21
Isaak Meysenburg Mt. Michael Benedictine High School -1:02.40 18:42.35 19:44.75
Lucas Talkington Aurora High School +21.45 19:05.11 18:43.66
Daxx Bender Nebraska City High School +1:01.18 19:50.14 18:48.96
Nick Wilhite Ashland-Greenwood High School -21.17 18:51.75 19:12.92
Colton Bescheinen Conestoga High School +1:36.14 20:39.52 19:03.38
Jameson Conway Wilber-Clatonia High School +22.18 19:47.56 19:25.38
Liston Crotty Auburn +39.37 20:05.65 19:26.28
Beau Odvody Wilber-Clatonia High School -41.46 19:26.29 20:07.75
Jack Hayes Auburn +1:04.27 20:32.52 19:28.25
Teagan Harbin Auburn -1:30.79 19:38.54 21:09.33
Jake Cattau Aurora High School +1:14.24 21:00.50 19:46.26
Kyle Holz Syracuse High School -6.47 19:49.03 19:55.50
Hannah Bedient Lincoln Pius X +2:34.73 22:24.00 19:49.27
Alexis Ericksen Aurora High School +12.15 20:01.75 19:49.60
Ella Eggleston Aurora High School +18.15 20:18.86 20:00.71
Jarett Guenther Norris High School +17.08 20:28.36 20:11.28
Noah Trueman Mt. Michael Benedictine High School +1:13.57 21:39.85 20:26.28
Cole Storch Mt. Michael Benedictine High School -1:27.35 20:31.12 21:58.47
Josh Morgan Mt. Michael Benedictine High School +3:09.53 23:42.49 20:32.96
Kristen Billings Auburn +28.76 21:01.95 20:33.19
Owen Luebbe Aurora High School -28.14 20:37.62 21:05.76
Jude Reynolds Norris High School +34.30 21:12.01 20:37.71
Cole Poutre Mt. Michael Benedictine High School -1:06.99 20:38.42 21:45.41
Jacob Spencer Mt. Michael Benedictine High School -1:39.42 20:38.68 22:18.10
Kyle Cavanaugh Syracuse High School -1:08.93 20:45.05 21:53.98
Dane Bellis Aurora High School -26.47 20:47.43 21:13.90
Abby Dickinson Lincoln Pius X +8.90 20:56.61 20:47.71
Lilyan Becker Auburn +49.82 21:52.45 21:02.63
Carter Schuetze Aurora High School +29.60 21:34.47 21:04.87
Jasmin Solana Lincoln Pius X +0.96 21:10.58 21:09.62
Gavin Gaither Mt. Michael Benedictine High School -23.67 21:10.08 21:33.75
Aleah Thomas Auburn -8.01 21:16.39 21:24.40
Jolie Dix Plattsmouth High School -40.55 21:17.81 21:58.36
Kendall Hein Beatrice +11.88 21:31.06 21:19.18
Josslyn Crispin Nebraska City High School +1:34.94 23:07.52 21:32.58
Zach Peters Aurora High School +33.42 22:10.57 21:37.15
Macey Holthus Beatrice +3:12.77 25:25.69 22:12.92
Alexa Janssen Auburn +1:54.43 24:09.95 22:15.52
Jaedyn Baxa Beatrice +1:30.72 23:47.17 22:16.45
Claire Noerrlinger Syracuse High School +48.91 23:20.59 22:31.68
Emmett Daake Falls City High School -31.86 23:07.24 23:39.10
Hayden Findlay Falls City High School -16.12 23:09.18 23:25.30
Caleb Avidano Conestoga High School -50.87 23:20.24 24:11.11
Jaxon Powell Ashland-Greenwood High School -2:29.07 23:40.17 26:09.24
Evie Barr Plattsmouth High School +1:53.55 25:34.32 23:40.77
Shea Sabata-Shreve Norris High School +56.35 24:37.47 23:41.12
Bradley Soflin Norris High School +7.42 23:57.73 23:50.31
McKenna Fralin Beatrice +30.96 24:35.41 24:04.45
Marleigh Cooper Norris High School +1:29.56 25:51.39 24:21.83
Nash Baker Norris High School +4:54.87 29:45.19 24:50.32
Rachel Uhe Conestoga High School +2:20.96 27:45.30 25:24.34
Rayna Schaefer Beatrice +1:01.32 26:33.23 25:31.91
Casen Crook Conestoga High School +1:33.50 28:58.16 27:24.66
John Kelly Mt. Michael Benedictine High School +14.78 28:05.72 27:50.94
Melany Brockman Beatrice +1:43.16 30:35.79 28:52.63