West Holt Invite 2023 vs West Holt Invite 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +17 176 159
Overall Average -12.73 23:44.84 23:57.57
1st-10th Place -20.14 18:14.03 18:34.17
1st-25th Place -14.91 18:51.47 19:06.39
1st-50th Place -21.98 19:41.08 20:03.06
1st-100th Place -29.15 21:00.63 21:29.78
Common Athletes -- -- 88
Ran Faster -14 37 51
Ran Season Best 5 10 5
Average Time +11.96 23:32.17 23:20.21
Median Time -0.15 22:18.40 22:18.55
Middle 80% Times -3.17 22:55.14 22:58.31
Top 10% Times -17.55 18:21.66 18:39.21
Top 25% Times -14.94 19:06.55 19:21.49
Top 50% Times -13.40 20:16.89 20:30.29
Bottom 50% Times +37.32 26:47.45 26:10.13
Bottom 25% Times +1:15.36 29:48.13 28:32.77
Bottom 10% Times +2:51.23 34:13.93 31:22.71
Average Difference +11.96 -- --
Median Difference +1:11.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -3.13 -- --
Top 10% Difference -9.59 -- --
Top 50% Difference -9.52 -- --
Top 25% Difference -11.83 -- --
Top 50% Difference -9.52 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +33.44 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:03.32 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:55.53 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Logan Spence Boone Central High School -52.50 17:43.81 18:36.31
Mason Hagan North Central High School +56.18 18:48.62 17:52.44
Micah Cuevas Boone Central High School -1:48.83 17:56.24 19:45.07
Will Nelson Boyd County -38.21 18:02.14 18:40.35
Grant Springer Valentine High School -18.18 18:10.76 18:28.94
Garret Severance Ord High School -27.47 18:25.90 18:53.37
Zander Jarecki Boone Central High School +39.21 19:07.86 18:28.65
Elijah Pollard Ord High School -28.81 18:30.03 18:58.84
Conner Rohrer Creighton High School -11.45 18:42.92 18:54.37
Isaac Cronin Valentine High School -5.12 18:54.52 18:59.64
Ethan Zeisler Boyd County -51.45 18:56.89 19:48.34
Grady Moudry Ord High School -54.25 19:03.49 19:57.74
Waylon Warneke Elkhorn Valley High School +7.79 19:13.80 19:06.01
Giles Deeter Boone Central High School +32.40 19:43.84 19:11.44
Isaac Jensen Boyd County -3:04.40 19:14.15 22:18.55
Brook Strom Boyd County -38.08 19:21.59 19:59.67
Trevor Alder O'Neill +12.47 19:38.34 19:25.87
Isaac Eckert Elkhorn Valley High School -2:15.69 19:29.83 21:45.52
Carter Nelson Niobrara/Verdigre +2:30.13 22:16.68 19:46.55
Owen Vondra Elkhorn Valley High School +35.53 20:29.15 19:53.62
Everett Funk Twin Loup (Sargent and Loup County) +15.34 20:22.91 20:07.57
Elijah Kopecky O'Neill -42.31 20:09.87 20:52.18
Joseph Barnell Creighton High School +1:15.03 21:25.36 20:10.33
Alex Gotschall West Holt Rural High School +3.16 20:21.64 20:18.48
Mikah Raymond O'Neill -1:52.15 20:24.92 22:17.07
Brodie Klimek Ord High School +7.36 20:36.58 20:29.22
Beau Butterfield CWC (Chambers/Wheeler Central) -30.07 20:35.47 21:05.54
Maddie Davis West Holt Rural High School -21.67 20:43.49 21:05.16
Brodie Stengel Lincoln Northeast High School -1:48.37 20:45.80 22:34.17
William Biltoft Ainsworth High School +1:24.03 22:10.26 20:46.23
Katherine Kerrigan Ainsworth High School +6.88 20:56.79 20:49.91
Skyler Probst Ord High School -6:00.43 20:55.44 26:55.87
Layton Deibler North Central High School -51.28 21:09.72 22:01.00
Tomas Arciniego O'Neill -21.57 21:12.78 21:34.35
Gus Laible O'Neill -11.42 21:16.30 21:27.72
Taya Dickau O'Neill +13.16 21:35.39 21:22.23
Turner Heikes Riverside -2:59.34 21:30.31 24:29.65
William Jesse CWC (Chambers/Wheeler Central) +16.91 21:49.53 21:32.62
Grant McGill Boyd County +8.87 21:42.98 21:34.11
William Drobny Niobrara/Verdigre +27.84 22:14.10 21:46.26
Kris Fernau Elkhorn Valley High School +36.94 22:28.13 21:51.19
Lucas Clay North Central High School +15.36 22:08.23 21:52.87
Logan Bradshaw O'Neill +1:11.70 23:08.19 21:56.49
Emma Kennedy Ainsworth High School +19.51 22:16.45 21:56.94
Braden Bruha Ord High School -3:24.87 21:58.92 25:23.79
Joslynn Larson Elkhorn Valley High School +2:12.11 24:14.82 22:02.71
Ashley Dickau O'Neill +33.85 22:42.61 22:08.76
Andrew Rowan North Central High School -1:19.75 22:09.40 23:29.15
Landen Mooney Valentine High School +4.83 22:18.40 22:13.57
Joseph Pavelka Niobrara/Verdigre +1:07.48 23:25.16 22:17.68
Bruno Santarosa Boone Central High School +31.55 22:55.41 22:23.86
Payton Moody Ainsworth High School +3:27.54 25:52.84 22:25.30
Keira Taylor North Central High School +1:11.10 23:37.32 22:26.22
Ava Hoffman West Holt Rural High School +42.28 23:20.86 22:38.58
Alex Lechtenberg Boyd County -2:33.38 22:56.17 25:29.55
Teegan Hasebroock Elkhorn Valley High School +36.63 23:35.65 22:59.02
Marissa Bennett Elkhorn Valley High School +1:32.19 24:34.55 23:02.36
Kassidy Beister Boone Central High School -2:36.99 23:12.45 25:49.44
Christen Larson-Ma Valentine High School +18.79 24:00.38 23:41.59
Luci Koinzan Neligh-Oakdale High School -10.56 23:43.10 23:53.66
Preselyn Goochey Ainsworth High School -4.05 23:48.36 23:52.41
Payton Loeffler Riverside +1:38.75 25:46.45 24:07.70
Sydney Spangler Boone Central High School +15.01 24:26.68 24:11.67
Caleb Laursen O'Neill +2:33.88 26:55.64 24:21.76
Anel Monasterio West Holt Rural High School -34.25 24:22.00 24:56.25
Grant Kuta Boone Central High School -3:06.19 24:26.25 27:32.44
Katie Warneke Elkhorn Valley High School +35.69 25:04.59 24:28.90
Josie Hemmingsen Riverside +40.10 25:25.14 24:45.04
Ashton Burival O'Neill -1:14.73 25:22.63 26:37.36
Ella White Creighton High School +42.38 26:07.98 25:25.60
Ella Moses CWC (Chambers/Wheeler Central) -27.97 25:30.34 25:58.31
Josue Jimenez O'Neill +1:39.46 27:15.43 25:35.97
Hailey Romesser O'Neill +56.46 26:49.14 25:52.68
Ben Johnson Creighton High School -4:46.40 26:22.09 31:08.49
Danika Runnels Niobrara/Verdigre +4:28.94 30:55.34 26:26.40
Jacob Pavelka Niobrara/Verdigre -1:21.32 26:30.33 27:51.65
Alexis Long Valentine High School +3:38.50 30:18.61 26:40.11
Jada Harmon Boyd County +1.69 26:45.57 26:43.88
Raina Lee Neligh-Oakdale High School +14.20 27:05.46 26:51.26
Taylor Teadtke Niobrara/Verdigre +2:23.76 29:24.31 27:00.55
Luke Wilson O'Neill +56.69 28:28.93 27:32.24
Heidi Hollmann Niobrara/Verdigre +7:31.01 35:09.84 27:38.83
Calah Archibeque Burwell High School -52.52 28:03.29 28:55.81
Elise Witchell Boone Central High School +1:17.30 32:48.48 31:31.18
Yoselin Herrera-fr St. Edward +1:10.24 33:15.65 32:05.41
Rebekah Ketelsen St. Edward +12:33.51 44:47.71 32:14.20
Elisabeth Bengston Ord High School -1:20.67 32:29.82 33:50.49
Lydia Ketelsen St. Edward +1:47.33 38:55.66 37:08.33