Lincoln Lutheran Invitational 2023

Lincoln, NE

Lincoln Lutheran Invitational 2023 vs Lincoln Lutheran Invite 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -22 180 202
Overall Average +42.02 24:38.59 23:56.57
1st-10th Place +48.92 18:56.10 18:07.18
1st-25th Place +49.06 19:31.27 18:42.21
1st-50th Place +58.75 20:26.02 19:27.27
1st-100th Place +56.76 21:45.34 20:48.58
Common Athletes -- -- 78
Ran Faster -56 11 67
Ran Season Best -6 2 8
Average Time +1:41.32 24:07.73 22:26.41
Median Time +1:08.86 23:23.60 22:14.74
Middle 80% Times +1:33.56 23:48.28 22:14.73
Top 10% Times +54.66 19:03.45 18:08.79
Top 25% Times +1:06.55 19:58.27 18:51.72
Top 50% Times +1:13.14 21:08.00 19:54.86
Bottom 50% Times +2:09.50 27:07.46 24:57.96
Bottom 25% Times +2:38.40 29:21.78 26:43.38
Bottom 10% Times +3:44.45 32:29.23 28:44.78
Average Difference +1:41.32 -- --
Median Difference +47.78 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:26.30 -- --
Top 10% Difference +54.65 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:05.40 -- --
Top 25% Difference +59.15 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:05.40 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:17.25 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +3:25.15 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +4:41.68 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Sammy Holsing Tri County High School +2:01.33 19:25.63 17:24.30
Payton Day Omaha Concordia High School +36.34 18:12.16 17:35.82
Nicholas Milner Cornerstone Christian High School +39.56 18:34.67 17:55.11
Max Prochnow Lincoln Lutheran +1:25.80 19:25.67 17:59.87
Gavin Loewe Lincoln Lutheran +1:15.87 19:35.59 18:19.72
Grant Stowell Lincoln Lutheran +16.30 18:45.61 18:29.31
Cooper Schelkopf Lincoln Lutheran +9.60 18:50.16 18:40.56
Luke Troutman Omaha Concordia High School +2:33.92 21:19.55 18:45.63
Logan Topp Johnson County Central +52.38 19:38.09 18:45.71
Trevin Huskey Johnson County Central +2:04.11 20:52.26 18:48.15
Jeremiah Whalen Cornerstone Christian High School +1:07.20 19:57.81 18:50.61
Caleb Maudlin Omaha Concordia High School +1:34.06 20:28.66 18:54.60
Ethan Rosenthal Tri County High School +44.79 19:50.74 19:05.95
Andy Carlson Lincoln Christian +1:21.78 20:47.60 19:25.82
Creighton Stater Omaha Concordia High School +19.20 19:50.72 19:31.52
Henry Holtmeier Tri County High School +3:43.29 23:17.12 19:33.83
Isaiah Coufal East Butler +3:04.24 22:41.60 19:37.36
Keegan Witte Louisville High School +1:39.74 21:22.23 19:42.49
Waylon Haworth Louisville High School +16.00 20:03.91 19:47.91
Ben Gutz Cornerstone Christian High School +37.18 20:37.29 20:00.11
Tobin Klaassen Cornerstone Christian High School +1:16.98 21:20.39 20:03.41
Henry Weverka East Butler +1:36.60 21:42.70 20:06.10
Justin Felty Yutan High School +2:54.49 23:10.28 20:15.79
Lincoln Heins Louisville High School +38.56 20:58.44 20:19.88
Isaac Trausch Lincoln Pius X +2:33.48 23:12.80 20:39.32
Caden Demuth Archbishop Bergan Catholic School +1:45.67 22:30.94 20:45.27
Eli Kult Yutan High School -8.00 20:50.50 20:58.50
James Dahlberg Lincoln Christian +7:21.17 28:12.37 20:51.20
Eric Soto College View Academy +30.28 21:29.34 20:59.06
Owen Meyer Lincoln Lutheran +5:04.54 26:03.80 20:59.26
Jason Bongers East Butler +1:54.02 22:53.66 20:59.64
Jackson Epp Lincoln Pius X +22.08 21:30.34 21:08.26
Easton Fiala Louisville High School +1:29.22 22:40.70 21:11.48
Jacob Maloley Omaha Concordia High School +22.94 21:40.06 21:17.12
Ethan Jobman Tri County High School -1.58 21:20.84 21:22.42
Parker Franzen Lincoln Lutheran +49.49 22:27.41 21:37.92
Braden Soester Louisville High School -50.35 21:45.52 22:35.87
Ayden Humpal Wahoo High School +3:00.68 24:46.48 21:45.80
Gage Kolc Yutan High School +2:43.74 24:34.70 21:50.96
Noah Lorang Omaha Concordia High School -10.02 22:11.27 22:21.29
Brendan Butler Lincoln Pius X +3:14.97 25:28.55 22:13.58
Galvin Green Archbishop Bergan Catholic School +3:55.77 26:10.51 22:14.74
Levi Othmer Johnson County Central +3.05 22:29.78 22:26.73
Madison VanLaningham Johnson County Central +37.62 23:04.79 22:27.17
Jacob Hrabik Louisville High School +47.78 23:23.60 22:35.82
Aaron Bisson Cornerstone Christian High School +1:15.47 23:58.90 22:43.43
Martin Kittleson College View Academy +3:43.90 26:27.99 22:44.09
Keigan Kocian East Butler +23.27 23:15.03 22:51.76
Matthew Farritor Lincoln Christian +10:14.31 33:11.24 22:56.93
Asher Lowe Omaha Concordia High School +2:56.11 26:07.47 23:11.36
Joy Jipp Omaha Concordia High School +2:00.28 25:18.64 23:18.36
Alexa Castens Lincoln Lutheran +44.43 24:06.75 23:22.32
Evan Cook Omaha Concordia High School +2:09.38 25:36.34 23:26.96
Justin Bangers East Butler +42.98 24:17.76 23:34.78
Clark Cogdill Yutan High School +1:03.72 24:47.21 23:43.49
Siena Stephens Louisville High School -46.65 23:44.67 24:31.32
Bronson Bixenmann Lincoln Pius X +1:16.37 25:03.04 23:46.67
Evan Pierce Louisville High School -24.68 24:16.30 24:40.98
Blake Beck Louisville High School +2:59.11 27:18.76 24:19.65
Jonathan Dale Lincoln Lutheran -22.53 24:21.30 24:43.83
Malorie Spatz East Butler +2:22.23 26:58.32 24:36.09
Meredith Staub Omaha Concordia High School -23.80 24:44.70 25:08.50
Nevayla Hilton East Butler +3:21.33 28:12.22 24:50.89
Kate Janak East Butler +7:20.85 32:20.69 24:59.84
Natalie Sherman Cornerstone Christian High School -34.37 25:09.42 25:43.79
Isaac Clements Louisville High School -44.49 25:12.95 25:57.44
Ashton Schwisow Tri County High School +1.79 25:40.33 25:38.54
Hannah Love Omaha Concordia High School +1:12.86 26:52.12 25:39.26
Ruth Ersland Omaha Concordia High School +5:36.50 31:51.04 26:14.54
Aleksander Fijolek Lincoln Pius X +3:44.65 30:00.37 26:15.72
Cameron Werner Johnson County Central +3:33.09 29:49.66 26:16.57
Owen Weber Johnson County Central +41.53 27:13.83 26:32.30
Tristan Kocian East Butler +13.78 27:00.56 26:46.78
Catherine Wendt Johnson County Central -1:31.30 26:57.92 28:29.22
Madi Ledden Yutan High School +2:46.62 30:18.28 27:31.66
Chase Bohac East Butler +2:28.61 31:32.20 29:03.59
Ashley Nelson College View Academy +3:28.06 35:58.79 32:30.73
Cameron Holzworth Lincoln Lutheran +1:53.84 34:41.23 32:47.39