Fremont Invitational 2023 vs Fremont XC Invite 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -15 355 370
Overall Average -42.07 22:28.15 23:10.22
1st-10th Place -20.76 16:17.13 16:37.89
1st-25th Place -15.66 16:47.34 17:03.01
1st-50th Place -13.53 17:22.34 17:35.87
1st-100th Place -15.71 18:13.40 18:29.11
Common Athletes -- -- 191
Ran Faster -21 85 106
Ran Season Best -55 101 156
Average Time +20.12 22:14.12 21:53.99
Median Time +37.22 21:44.21 21:06.99
Middle 80% Times +24.46 22:01.99 21:37.54
Top 10% Times +8.98 17:05.03 16:56.05
Top 25% Times +15.80 17:56.32 17:40.51
Top 50% Times +13.88 19:09.91 18:56.03
Bottom 50% Times +26.16 25:04.43 24:38.28
Bottom 25% Times +31.50 27:33.49 27:01.99
Bottom 10% Times -0.58 29:27.64 29:28.22
Average Difference +20.12 -- --
Median Difference +1:38.43 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +21.52 -- --
Top 10% Difference +0.74 -- --
Top 50% Difference +11.74 -- --
Top 25% Difference +15.91 -- --
Top 50% Difference +11.74 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +29.33 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +41.88 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +30.34 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Juan Gonzalez Fremont High School -5.75 15:42.32 15:48.07
Noah Miller Fremont High School +5.24 16:18.12 16:12.88
Grant Lewis Elkhorn South High School -33.54 16:15.43 16:48.97
Steven Fiscus Jr Fremont High School +1:13.23 17:44.24 16:31.01
Calin O'Grady Bennington -11.25 16:31.79 16:43.04
Jase Laday Fremont High School -16.47 16:40.18 16:56.65
Mason Nau Fremont High School +8.19 16:52.55 16:44.36
Noah Edwards Columbus High School -13.65 16:46.82 17:00.47
Michael Nichols Fremont High School +23.42 17:11.66 16:48.24
Gerardo Hernandez-Tapia Elkhorn High School +17.22 17:06.21 16:48.99
Raymond Rise Fremont High School +20.51 17:17.15 16:56.64
Luke McGinty South Sioux City High School +1:51.31 18:53.50 17:02.19
Finnian Hartman Elkhorn High School -1.51 17:04.29 17:05.80
Lincoln Haussler Elkhorn South High School +1:34.24 18:39.40 17:05.16
Melchisedek Munzambi South Sioux City High School +1:15.18 18:22.29 17:07.11
Aden Soto Fremont High School +52.60 18:02.02 17:09.42
Erick Alarcon Columbus High School -13.64 17:18.86 17:32.50
Myles Darmento Fremont High School +21.66 17:45.02 17:23.36
Cody Sass Papillion-La Vista +1:12.82 18:37.34 17:24.52
Jaxon Pleskac Fremont High School -18.26 17:24.63 17:42.89
Nathan Robles South Sioux City High School -2:03.79 17:25.32 19:29.11
Ryland Maglinger Elkhorn South High School -11.15 17:28.28 17:39.43
Luke Warren Elkhorn South High School -20.53 17:29.29 17:49.82
Diego Balderas-Perez South Sioux City High School +29.23 18:00.81 17:31.58
Sam Stracke Elkhorn South High School +12.59 17:46.12 17:33.53
Melusi Ngeleka South Sioux City High School -12.76 17:34.68 17:47.44
Leandro Magana South Sioux City High School +1:33.70 19:13.67 17:39.97
Elias Eyler Elkhorn High School -8.80 17:43.67 17:52.47
Damien Hendrickson Columbus High School +43.63 18:28.14 17:44.51
Tolon Manka Fremont High School -35.02 17:49.61 18:24.63
Thomas Morgan Bennington +47.85 18:38.67 17:50.82
Garrett Barreras Elkhorn High School -1:25.38 17:56.85 19:22.23
Barrett Brehm Elkhorn South High School +1:05.10 19:06.74 18:01.64
Griffin Walters Elkhorn High School +26.49 18:28.60 18:02.11
Jonathan Linares Fremont High School +7.76 18:11.33 18:03.57
Dylan Rapp Bennington -22.89 18:06.18 18:29.07
Max McBratney Fremont High School +6.71 18:14.55 18:07.84
Parker Keith Elkhorn South High School +37.06 18:47.72 18:10.66
Nabiil Yussuf South Sioux City High School +52.70 19:04.41 18:11.71
Ariel Flores Fremont High School +36.87 18:55.54 18:18.67
Andy Valadez Papillion-La Vista +26.67 18:46.03 18:19.36
Liam Puck Bennington +29.27 18:52.98 18:23.71
Ethan Li Elkhorn High School -22.07 18:25.21 18:47.28
Corbin Gollehon Elkhorn South High School +35.22 19:04.84 18:29.62
Kade Olbrich Bennington -16.54 18:29.98 18:46.52
Miguel Padilla Columbus High School +1:10.57 19:42.23 18:31.66
Roman Maglinger Elkhorn South High School -13.41 18:31.78 18:45.19
Garrett Gamble Bennington +52.96 19:32.03 18:39.07
Benjamin Wall Columbus High School +1:49.02 20:31.75 18:42.73
Mason Pederson Papillion-La Vista +1:26.74 20:14.56 18:47.82
Matthew Anderson Bennington -23.07 18:50.79 19:13.86
Sam Riffner Bennington +27.68 19:22.34 18:54.66
Keaton Striffler Bennington +1:07.14 20:02.59 18:55.45
Bennett Kernen Elkhorn South High School -1:05.99 18:57.71 20:03.70
Carson Deprez Elkhorn High School +1:56.37 20:55.86 18:59.49
Elias Hernandez Buena Vista +24.89 19:29.86 19:04.97
Grace Volzke Elkhorn South High School +24.50 19:38.30 19:13.80
Sam Knott Bennington +56.51 20:11.22 19:14.71
Alexis Chadek Papillion-La Vista +25.10 19:42.94 19:17.84
Josh Paulsen Elkhorn South High School -4.59 19:22.31 19:26.90
Andrew Karolski Bennington -5.94 19:27.87 19:33.81
Gavin Joy South Sioux City High School +2:20.46 21:50.66 19:30.20
Easton Thompson Elkhorn High School -8.89 19:30.76 19:39.65
Jayden Lincoln Bennington -1:33.90 19:31.76 21:05.66
Addison Washburn Elkhorn High School -11.29 19:32.06 19:43.35
Daxton Graham Fremont High School +6.98 19:41.16 19:34.18
Jake Newcomer Bennington -1:00.57 19:40.45 20:41.02
Logan Coleman Bennington -46.24 19:43.45 20:29.69
Nick Carnahan Papillion-La Vista -0.67 19:50.91 19:51.58
Conner Braun Columbus High School +2.33 19:53.64 19:51.31
Carter Haberling Elkhorn High School -58.10 19:53.01 20:51.11
Lily Dall Bennington -1:05.61 19:55.90 21:01.51
Lucy Lampe Bennington -34.92 19:56.25 20:31.17
Melissa Gomez-Vazquez Columbus High School +28.23 20:30.80 20:02.57
Madeleine Scott Bennington -33.05 20:02.73 20:35.78
Dillon Murray Papillion-La Vista +46.56 20:51.02 20:04.46
Liam Acosta-Trejo Elkhorn South High School +12.37 20:19.30 20:06.93
Oscar Andersen Bennington +9.77 20:17.01 20:07.24
Cael Obrien Bennington +2:09.75 22:20.77 20:11.02
Devean McCarty Papillion-La Vista -37.33 20:11.86 20:49.19
Morgan Iske Bennington -1:48.91 20:15.38 22:04.29
Kathryn Roberts Elkhorn High School +52.85 21:12.83 20:19.98
Alexis Hiatt Bennington -46.03 20:23.06 21:09.09
Alyssa Walker Elkhorn South High School +1:38.43 22:02.56 20:24.13
Claire Miller Bennington +23.75 20:54.37 20:30.62
Gabriel Ramirez Buena Vista +3:23.02 23:58.10 20:35.08
Jared Munoz South Sioux City High School -28.12 20:37.52 21:05.64
Tyler Otte Elkhorn High School -1:17.78 20:39.70 21:57.48
Annie Finneron Papillion-La Vista +51.08 21:33.48 20:42.40
Ismael Monge Buena Vista +1:30.81 22:17.41 20:46.60
Harper Keber Elkhorn South High School +2:12.42 23:02.16 20:49.74
Hayden Carpenter Papillion-La Vista +19.59 21:12.97 20:53.38
Hailey Kropatsch Columbus High School +10.92 21:10.27 20:59.35
Ethan Dugger Elkhorn South High School +4:35.44 25:39.00 21:03.56
Jackson Widhalm Elkhorn High School +2:34.41 23:38.51 21:04.10
Clarissa Schumacher Elkhorn South High School +1:22.25 22:26.94 21:04.69
Isaac Blomenkamp Bennington +1:17.80 22:22.51 21:04.71
Isaac Manahan Papillion-La Vista +23.23 21:28.10 21:04.87
Liam Timperio Bennington +37.22 21:44.21 21:06.99
Mazlynn Cornett Bennington +8.01 21:15.04 21:07.03
Nora Friesen Elkhorn South High School -52.82 21:08.42 22:01.24
Ethan Plummer Elkhorn South High School +17.08 21:25.54 21:08.46
Bryan Bartolo-Lopez South Sioux City High School +1:19.81 22:29.14 21:09.33
Aly Sherman Elkhorn South High School -1:06.55 21:25.46 22:32.01
Jackson Rezac Bennington -4.31 21:28.23 21:32.54
Anthony Rojas Buena Vista +1:00.03 22:28.37 21:28.34
Ivan Ratnapradipa Elkhorn High School +1:39.37 23:11.13 21:31.76
Nathan Rohacik Papillion-La Vista -1:43.15 21:34.98 23:18.13
Ava Hurst Elkhorn South High School +3:02.26 24:42.32 21:40.06
Sam Houska Bennington -3.93 21:42.44 21:46.37
Mason Kuhl Bennington +1:56.84 23:47.31 21:50.47
Roan Wells Papillion-La Vista -3:20.11 21:50.86 25:10.97
Keaton Samuelson Papillion-La Vista +2:09.75 24:05.02 21:55.27
Jacqueline Salgado South Sioux City High School -0.64 21:58.05 21:58.69
Lauryn Bates Bennington -32.97 21:59.80 22:32.77
Nicholas Geiger Elkhorn High School -1:20.32 22:00.33 23:20.65
Alexis Granillo Papillion-La Vista +32.46 22:39.56 22:07.10
Quinton Raiser Elkhorn High School -16.41 22:09.10 22:25.51
Maddie McBratney Fremont High School -38.97 22:17.00 22:55.97
Oscar Pena Buena Vista -1:05.54 22:17.68 23:23.22
Hector De Alba Buena Vista -20.45 22:18.65 22:39.10
Melanie Magana South Sioux City High School +17.30 22:37.46 22:20.16
Hannah Kropatsch Columbus High School -36.03 22:23.60 22:59.63
Alea Chipperfield Bennington -47.05 22:25.64 23:12.69
Tyler Mosher Elkhorn South High School -3:09.03 22:27.48 25:36.51
Anthony Andres Buena Vista -43.66 22:38.40 23:22.06
Grace Carlson Papillion-La Vista -17.50 22:40.99 22:58.49
Citlaly Ramirez Columbus High School +1:43.89 24:31.99 22:48.10
Joshua Crouch Elkhorn High School +4:43.62 27:34.90 22:51.28
Noah Robles Buena Vista +31.98 23:27.50 22:55.52
Gabe Walsh Bennington +26.02 23:22.43 22:56.41
Kaylee Seidel Elkhorn High School +3:30.77 26:29.61 22:58.84
Liam Buscher Buena Vista +2:21.61 25:24.11 23:02.50
Leo Schneider Buena Vista -1:20.93 23:08.58 24:29.51
Micah Timm Elkhorn High School -2:47.08 23:09.11 25:56.19
Lilly Coleman Papillion-La Vista +1:50.15 24:59.75 23:09.60
Enrique Carapia-Hernand Buena Vista +2:45.10 25:59.23 23:14.13
Henry Houska Bennington -2:01.54 23:17.67 25:19.21
Ava Gifford Bennington -3:49.17 23:32.08 27:21.25
Bella Moran Papillion-La Vista +24.39 23:58.08 23:33.69
Presley Feuquay Elkhorn High School -50.87 23:34.08 24:24.95
Andrew Ruppert Papillion-La Vista +37.14 24:12.34 23:35.20
Elisa Campos Elkhorn South High School -1:06.56 23:35.97 24:42.53
Rowan Brown Bennington +3:11.44 26:52.33 23:40.89
Deantwan Harris Buena Vista +16.26 24:02.63 23:46.37
Nathan Medina Papillion-La Vista +1:32.34 25:22.59 23:50.25
Aleece Hiner Papillion-La Vista -31.53 23:51.96 24:23.49
Makenna Overturf Elkhorn High School +2:41.17 26:34.35 23:53.18
Elena Moseman Columbus High School +14.03 24:12.46 23:58.43
Gracie Rohe Bennington -32.45 23:59.34 24:31.79
Lucas Barney Bennington +2:13.12 26:21.39 24:08.27
Akio Engel South Sioux City High School -17.86 24:18.80 24:36.66
Emmie Fuller Bennington +10.03 24:35.22 24:25.19
Angel Sandoval South Sioux City High School +1:49.52 26:22.95 24:33.43
Cassidy Sokolewicz Papillion-La Vista +4:24.98 28:59.83 24:34.85
Samuel Vargas Buena Vista +3:34.29 28:11.67 24:37.38
Breanna Dent Bennington +44.09 25:23.14 24:39.05
Anna Jensen Papillion-La Vista +2:27.27 27:09.17 24:41.90
Hannah Moser Columbus High School +14.58 24:58.41 24:43.83
Mason Dooly Bennington -51.67 24:48.86 25:40.53
Geno Cardenas Buena Vista +9.10 25:00.78 24:51.68
Grayson Reed Bennington +2:06.59 27:01.98 24:55.39
Alex Ac-Pu Buena Vista +1:31.15 26:27.49 24:56.34
Avery Rininger Bennington -1:13.94 25:02.01 26:15.95
Christopher Garcia Buena Vista +1:59.83 27:06.17 25:06.34
Daniel Torres Buena Vista +3:31.21 29:02.16 25:30.95
Alison Davenport Papillion-La Vista -1:49.59 25:34.15 27:23.74
Abigail Perez South Sioux City High School +2:52.22 28:35.69 25:43.47
Maddy Klein Papillion-La Vista -1:00.09 25:57.57 26:57.66
Avery Fuller Bennington +45.01 27:06.32 26:21.31
Gilberto Vides Buena Vista +2:53.71 29:17.28 26:23.57
Kimberly Loarca Buena Vista +1:33.02 28:04.49 26:31.47
Alex Bardac Buena Vista +6:32.90 33:07.21 26:34.31
Brianna Ixta Perez Buena Vista -50.76 26:36.96 27:27.72
Sophia Forman Papillion-La Vista +46.16 27:26.95 26:40.79
Katelyn Dossett Bennington -9.62 26:48.20 26:57.82
Will Irvine Papillion-La Vista -38.01 26:58.03 27:36.04
Aisha Mar Macossay Bennington -1.73 27:00.92 27:02.65
Kimberly Mendoza Buena Vista -4:03.05 27:07.68 31:10.73
Carter Petricek Papillion-La Vista -21.84 27:21.73 27:43.57
Ngan Le South Sioux City High School -6:05.42 27:39.37 33:44.79
Josephine Tworek Papillion-La Vista -43.18 27:46.78 28:29.96
Bryan Diego Buena Vista -35.59 28:15.28 28:50.87
Marta Delaluz-Enriquez South Sioux City High School -56.59 28:21.11 29:17.70
Paisley Gower Bennington -1:08.48 28:31.04 29:39.52
Gizelle Ruiz Bennington -8.49 28:36.66 28:45.15
Cassidy Jorgensen Bennington -1:08.94 29:17.93 30:26.87
Dylen Tornes Buena Vista +2:52.84 33:08.56 30:15.72
Maria Diego-Mateo Buena Vista -53.64 30:52.90 31:46.54
Alice Gifford Papillion-La Vista -1:07.35 33:11.34 34:18.69
Natasha Gross Bennington -55.80 33:11.58 34:07.38