Class of Metro Invitational 2011

Omaha, NE

Complete Results

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit                    Registered to: David Everett, Milesplit.Com

                       Class of Metro Invitational - 9/12/2011                       
                            Walnut Grove Park, Omaha, NE                             

                        Senior Boys 4000 Meter Run                        
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Ryan Cox                  12 Millard North              13:15.35     1
  2 Johnny Harley             12 Omaha North                13:25.97     2
  3 Anthony McDill            12 Bellevue West              13:51.03    --
  4 Marshall Anderson         12 Papillion-La Vista         13:51.22    --
  5 Dan Artz                  12 Creighton Prep             13:56.01     3
  6 TJ Simpson                12 Creighton Prep             13:56.33     4
  7 Jeff Yau                  12 Millard North              13:56.50     5
  8 Nick Fly                  12 Omaha North                13:58.20     6
  9 David Kaftan              12 Creighton Prep             14:15.51     7
 10 Payton Anderson           12 Papillion-La Vista         14:26.12    --
 11 Wyatt Waskowiak           12 Omaha North                14:31.92     8
 12 Robert Herrera            12 Creighton Prep             14:36.26     9
 13 Tim Pazderka              12 Creighton Prep             14:37.33    10
 14 Drew Morrison             12 Millard North              14:37.98    11
 15 Micah Stoddard            12 Millard West               14:38.94    12
 16 Thomas McClenahan         12 Millard West               14:39.72    13
 17 Richard Vazquez           12 Millard North              15:02.28    14
 18 Luis Ramirez              12 Bryan                      15:03.62    --
 19 Tobias Harter             12 Millard South              15:06.13    --
 20 Roosevelt Boyland         12 Bellevue East              15:15.57    15
 21 Tyler Abbott              12 Bellevue East              15:17.13    16
 22 Jacob Robinson            12 Omaha North                15:21.43    17
 23 Tom Mulhall               12 Creighton Prep             15:30.62    18
 24 Logan Falt                12 Bellevue West              15:39.04    --
 25 Emmett Burns              12 Creighton Prep             15:42.90    19
 26 Chris Meyers              12 Millard South              15:43.32    --
 27 Blake McCreedy            12 Millard West               15:43.49    20
 28 Adam Graves               12 Millard North              15:48.09    21
 29 Colin Johnston            12 Bryan                      15:48.42    --
 30 Pat English               12 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:50.23    22
 31 Dan Krawczyk              12 Creighton Prep             15:50.89    --
 32 Ross Finocchiaro          12 Creighton Prep             15:56.35    --
 33 Connor Hackbart           12 Millard South              16:01.35    --
 34 Zach Delaine              12 Millard West               16:03.51    23
 35 Nelson Tombe              12 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:22.94    24
 36 Aaron Uehling             12 Omaha North                16:26.33    25
 37 David Forbush             12 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:26.68    26
 38 Dustin Dawson             12 Bellevue East              16:27.45    27
 39 Eduardo Ponce             12 Bryan                      16:28.69    --
 40 Dylan Evers               12 Millard West               16:35.72    28
 41 Joe Weiss                 12 Gross Catholic             16:47.15    29
 42 Aaron Vetter              12 Creighton Prep             16:48.25    --
 43 Joe Blankman              12 Gross Catholic             16:50.88    30
 44 Luke Walz                 12 Creighton Prep             17:08.87    --
 45 Houston Wiltsey           12 Creighton Prep             17:09.19    --
 46 Matt Sunderman            12 Millard North              17:12.38    31
 47 Joe Coldanghise           12 Omaha Westside             17:12.86    --
 48 Jacob Henderson           12 Papillion-La Vista         17:14.85    --
 49 James McMillon            12 Omaha North                17:17.09    32
 50 Anthony Marinella         12 Omaha North                17:17.83    33
 51 Connor MacNabb            12 Pappillion-La Vista South  17:30.32    34
 52 Sam Ervin                 12 Bellevue East              17:36.36    35
 53 Weston Secrist            12 Bellevue East              17:37.08    36
 54 Peter Hansen              12 Creighton Prep             17:38.40    --
 55 Patrick Buckley           12 Creighton Prep             17:39.07    --
 56 T.J Moore                 12 Gross Catholic             17:57.57    37
 57 Bennett Descheneaux       12 Creighton Prep             18:08.60    --
 58 Neil Conaway              12 Gross Catholic             18:35.68    38
 59 Kyle Kelley               12 Creighton Prep             18:36.90    --
 60 Arthur Nguyen             12 Papillion-La Vista         18:42.41    --
 61 Drew Drazdys              12 Creighton Prep             18:47.39    --
 62 Anthony Marx              12 Creighton Prep             18:49.93    --
 63 Chris Bowen               12 Bryan                      18:50.27    --
 64 Connor Sullivan           12 Gross Catholic             18:52.21    39
 65 Brad Joyal                12 Bellevue East              19:13.42    40
 66 Paul Rauth                12 Creighton Prep             19:21.83    --
 67 Andrew Crosson            12 Creighton Prep             19:26.74    --
 68 Kortney Kaluza            12 Pappillion-La Vista South  19:42.45    41
 69 Ralph Hauke               12 Creighton Prep             19:54.67    --
 70 Connor Burke              12 Gross Catholic             20:30.43    42
 71 Kyle Williams             12 Gross Catholic             20:30.66    43
 72 Richard Davis             12 Creighton Prep             20:43.27    --
 73 Greg Smith                12 Creighton Prep             20:43.75    --
 74 Joe Meyer                 12 Creighton Prep             21:33.67    --
 75 Michael Gehring           12 Creighton Prep             21:35.98    --
 76 Andrew Pravacek           12 Millard North              21:43.50    44
 77 Jacob Mohobutter          12 Ralston                    22:32.81    --
 78 Nick Paulsen              12 Pappillion-La Vista South  23:24.94    45
 79 Tyler Manley              12 Creighton Prep             23:48.83    --
 80 Angel Loza                12 Gross Catholic             24:19.43    --
 81 Peter Witt                12 Creighton Prep             25:18.01    --

                  Senior Boys 4000 Meter Run Team Scores                  
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Creighton Prep              33      3    4    7    9   10   18   19  
      Total Time: 1:11:21      Average: 14:16.29      1-5 Split: 41
  2 Millard North               52      1    5   11   14   21   31   44  
      Total Time: 1:12:40      Average: 14:32.04      1-5 Split: 2:33
  3 Omaha North                 58      2    6    8   17   25   32   33  
      Total Time: 1:13:44      Average: 14:44.77      1-5 Split: 3:00
  4 Millard West                96     12   13   20   23   28    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:17:41      Average: 15:32.28      1-5 Split: 1:57
  5 Bellevue East               129    15   16   27   35   36   40    -  
      Total Time: 1:22:14      Average: 16:26.72      1-5 Split: 2:22
  6 Pappillion-La Vista South   147    22   24   26   34   41   45    -  
      Total Time: 1:25:53      Average: 17:10.53      1-5 Split: 3:52
  7 Gross Catholic              173    29   30   37   38   39   42   43  
      Total Time: 1:29:03      Average: 17:48.70      1-5 Split: 2:05

                        Junior Boys 4000 Meter Run                        
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Joe Harter                11 Millard West               13:24.00     1
  2 Nathan Meiners            11 Millard South              14:17.09     2
  3 Mark Casper               11 Papillion-La Vista         14:17.46     3
  4 Owen Behle                11 Millard West               14:29.00     4
  5 Connor Hogue              11 Millard West               14:31.00     5
  6 Daniel Moses              11 Bellevue West              14:37.00     6
  7 Lane Wood                 11 Millard West               14:43.00     7
  8 Connor McLaughlin         11 Papillion-La Vista         14:48.00     8
  9 Micah Welsch              11 Millard South              14:49.00     9
 10 Derryk Stiner             11 Bellevue West              14:50.00    10
 11 Kelson McCollum           11 Millard North              14:52.00    11
 12 Drew Underwood            11 Millard West               14:53.21    12
 13 Aaron Post                11 Millard West               14:53.87    13
 14 Bobby Russell             11 Bellevue West              14:54.00    14
 15 Steven Curley             11 Millard West               15:03.00    15
 16 Dylan Piche               11 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:06.00    16
 17 Justin Thorstad           11 Bellevue West              15:12.00    17
 18 Jackson Koehler           11 Creighton Prep             15:13.00    18
 19 Cory Russell              11 Bellevue West              15:16.00    19
 20 Mike Casper               11 Papillion-La Vista         15:19.00    20
 21 Peter Elliott             11 Creighton Prep             15:27.00    21
 22 Josh Cordwin              11 Gross Catholic             15:28.00    22
 23 John Krone                11 Creighton Prep             15:34.00    23
 24 Tom Kolbo                 11 Gross Catholic             15:35.00    24
 25 Kevin Martin              11 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:43.00    25
 26 Nate Novak                11 Millard North              15:49.00    26
 27 Nate Henton               11 Gross Catholic             15:50.00    27
 28 Jacob Eastman             11 Creighton Prep             15:55.00    28
 29 Daniel Krueger            11 Millard South              15:59.00    29
 30 Zach Turner               11 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:00.00    30
 31 Nathan Dobesh             11 Papillion-La Vista         16:05.00    31
 32 Ryan Douglass             11 Millard North              16:07.00    32
 33 Curtis Focht              11 Millard North              16:10.00    33
 34 Austin Schwart            11 Bellevue East              16:21.00    --
 35 Daniel Forsyth            11 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:22.00    34
 36 Alex Rabe                 11 Papillion-La Vista         16:25.00    35
 37 Chris Contreras           11 Millard South              16:26.00    36
 38 Jacob Simpson             11 Creighton Prep             16:30.00    37
 39 Troy Page-White           11 Papillion-La Vista         16:40.11    38
 40 Cody McCann               11 Gross Catholic             16:40.52    39
 41 Jacob Hanusek             11 Millard West               16:42.00    --
 42 Grant Duin                11 Omaha Westside             16:45.00    40
 43 Alex Campbell             11 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:46.00    41
 44 Jared Hahn                11 Creighton Prep             16:53.00    42
 45 Jacob Rix                 11 Omaha North                16:57.00    --
 46 Mitch Findley             11 Creighton Prep             16:58.00    43
 47 Jehong Ahn                11 Omaha Westside             17:00.00    44
 48 Mark Huebner              11 Bellevue West              17:06.00    45
 49 Nathan Nordbrock          11 Pappillion-La Vista South  17:07.00    46
 50 Kaleb Bateman             11 Bellevue West              17:09.00    47
 51 Brandon Maxwell           11 Bellevue East              17:13.00    --
 52 Cole Burmeister           11 Bellevue West              17:20.00    --
 53 Blake Peterson            11 Millard West               17:30.00    --
 54 John Glass                11 Creighton Prep             17:34.00    --
 55 Patrick Fisher            11 Creighton Prep             17:38.45    --
 56 Thomas Tevebaugh          11 Pappillion-La Vista South  17:38.79    48
 57 Jackson Denys             11 Pappillion-La Vista South  17:41.00    --
 58 Chris Thomas              11 Gross Catholic             17:43.00    49
 59 Brigg Killips             11 Creighton Prep             17:47.00    --
 60 Russ Riley                11 Omaha Westside             17:58.02    50
 61 Eric Sterling             11 Omaha North                17:58.86    --
 62 Jake Hock                 11 Millard North              18:00.00    51
 63 William Boyd              11 Omaha Westside             18:02.00    52
 64 Alex Preston              11 Millard South              18:10.00    53
 65 Jacob Grabowski           11 Bellevue West              18:13.00    --
 66 Jon Latka                 11 Creighton Prep             18:16.09    --
 67 Westin Perrine            11 Omaha Westside             18:16.37    54
 68 Matt Bailey               11 Millard South              18:17.06    55
 69 Kyle Block                11 Bryan                      18:20.00    --
 70 Robert Messersmith        11 Creighton Prep             18:23.00    --
 71 Luke Phillips             11 Millard West               18:25.00    --
 72 Austin Emerton            11 Millard West               18:31.17    --
 73 Dahn Clemens              11 Creighton Prep             18:31.35    --
 74 Brady Busteed             11 Creighton Prep             18:37.50    --
 75 Austin Lubker             11 Millard West               18:43.21    --
 76 Jerry Philbin             11 Creighton Prep             18:44.58    --
 77 Andrew Mainelli           11 Creighton Prep             18:46.45    --
 78 Seamus Sullivan           11 Creighton Prep             18:47.82    --
 79 Bobby Micheels            11 Omaha Westside             18:48.61    56
 80 Jacob Pelley              11 Ralston                    18:49.27    --
 81 Alex Elferring            11 Millard North              18:53.85    57
 82 Sean Brudney              11 Creighton Prep             19:00.95    --
 83 Brendan Coogan            11 Millard North              19:17.72    58
 84 Patrick Mulhall           11 Creighton Prep             19:19.09    --
 85 Zac Weston                11 Papillion-La Vista         19:36.69    59
 86 Vincent Wirth             11 Creighton Prep             20:00.04    --
 87 Duncan Watkins            11 Creighton Prep             20:01.08    --
 88 Cameron Troshynski        11 Creighton Prep             20:11.39    --
 89 Danny Weber               11 Millard South              20:15.81    60
 90 Mitch Holloway            11 Creighton Prep             20:18.55    --
 91 Mark Fleury               11 Millard North              20:21.78    --
 92 Alec Stevens              11 Omaha Westside             20:24.16    61
 93 Luke Jacobs               11 Papillion-La Vista         20:40.48    --
 94 Cale Meier                11 Millard West               20:44.44    --
 95 Chris Nelson              11 Creighton Prep             20:51.04    --
 96 John Horner               11 Papillion-La Vista         20:52.14    --
 97 Erik Ingram               11 Bellevue East              21:08.28    --
 98 Max Lydiatt               11 Bellevue West              21:17.41    --
 99 Joshua Talmadge           11 Creighton Prep             21:19.21    --
100 Aaron Boyle               11 Omaha Westside             21:20.81    --
101 Tanner Grange             11 Papillion-La Vista         21:25.34    --
102 Zach Kahn                 11 Omaha North                21:32.92    --
103 Foster Mullen             11 Creighton Prep             21:39.79    --
104 Bryce Winkler             11 Omaha Westside             21:42.42    --
105 John Edwards              11 Creighton Prep             21:43.48    --
106 Brogan Bishop             11 Omaha Westside             21:46.98    --
107 Kevin Chesire             11 Omaha Westside             21:47.14    --
108 Evan Varner               11 Creighton Prep             22:24.97    --
109 Max McClelland            11 Omaha Westside             22:28.23    --
110 Zach Elkins               11 Millard South              22:46.83    --
111 Paul Godberson            11 Creighton Prep             23:04.07    --
112 Sam Davey                 11 Creighton Prep             23:04.25    --
113 John Porter               11 Creighton Prep             23:29.57    --
114 Will Bakke                11 Pappillion-La Vista South  24:20.21    --

                  Junior Boys 4000 Meter Run Team Scores                  
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Millard West                29      1    4    5    7   12   13   15  
      Total Time: 1:12:00      Average: 14:24.05      1-5 Split: 1:29
  2 Bellevue West               66      6   10   14   17   19   45   47  
      Total Time: 1:14:49      Average: 14:57.80      1-5 Split: 39
  3 Papillion-La Vista          97      3    8   20   31   35   38   59  
      Total Time: 1:16:54      Average: 15:22.90      1-5 Split: 2:08
  4 Creighton Prep              127    18   21   23   28   37   42   43  
      Total Time: 1:18:39      Average: 15:43.80      1-5 Split: 1:17
  5 Millard South               129     2    9   29   36   53   55   60  
      Total Time: 1:19:41      Average: 15:56.22      1-5 Split: 3:53
  6 Pappillion-La Vista South   146    16   25   30   34   41   46   48  
      Total Time: 1:19:57      Average: 15:59.40      1-5 Split: 1:40
  7 Millard North               153    11   26   32   33   51   57   58  
      Total Time: 1:20:58      Average: 16:11.60      1-5 Split: 3:08
  8 Gross Catholic              161    22   24   27   39   49    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:21:17      Average: 16:15.31      1-5 Split: 2:15
  9 Omaha Westside              240    40   44   50   52   54   56   61  
      Total Time: 1:28:01      Average: 17:36.28      1-5 Split: 1:31

                      Sophomore Boys 4000 Meter Run                       
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Nick Larsen               10 Gross Catholic             13:28.00    --
  2 Austin Post               10 Millard West               13:57.00     1
  3 Brett Whorley             10 Millard North              14:03.00     2
  4 Jack Polerecky            10 Creighton Prep             14:12.00     3
  5 Max Knight                10 Omaha North                14:15.00     4
  6 Ben Janecek               10 Millard North              14:24.00     5
  7 Cole Johnston             10 Millard West               14:29.00     6
  8 Micah Waskowiak           10 Omaha North                14:41.00     7
  9 Adam Wendel               10 Millard West               14:43.00     8
 10 Conner Beyersdorf         10 Bellevue West              14:47.00    --
 11 Terrance Johnson          10 Millard South              14:55.00     9
 12 Blake Kanger              10 Creighton Prep             14:56.00    10
 13 Daniel Shriver            10 Millard South              14:57.00    11
 14 Tyler Knapp               10 Millard South              14:58.00    12
 15 John Eckert               10 Creighton Prep             14:59.00    13
 16 Cory Plugge               10 Papillion-La Vista         15:02.00    14
 17 Jacob White               10 Millard North              15:05.00    15
 18 Ben Wellwood              10 Millard South              15:06.00    16
 19 Luke Manganaro            10 Creighton Prep             15:14.00    17
 20 Jackson Cutsor            10 Omaha North                15:15.00    18
 21 Joey Regan                10 Millard West               15:41.00    19
 22 Nick Barone               10 Millard West               15:42.00    20
 23 Jake Kenny                10 Creighton Prep             15:43.00    21
 24 Donovan Patchin           10 Omaha North                15:44.00    22
 25 Tim Kerkove               10 Millard West               15:48.00    23
 26 Kasey Reeves              10 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:53.00    24
 27 Chris Dethlefs            10 Creighton Prep             15:55.00    25
 28 TJ Monzon                 10 Millard West               15:55.00    26
 29 Ryan Hanrahan             10 Millard South              15:56.00    27
 30 Jonah Newton              10 Millard West               15:58.00    --
 31 Waylon Matson             10 Millard South              16:10.00    28
 32 Jordan Wheeler            10 Omaha Westside             16:21.00    29
 33 Jeran Bentz               10 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:25.00    30
 34 Andrew Push               10 Millard North              16:37.00    31
 35 Will Hausman              10 Creighton Prep             16:43.00    32
 36 Brandon Birkel            10 Papillion-La Vista         16:49.00    33
 37 Adam DeLong               10 Millard West               16:58.00    --
 38 Alex Schubert             10 Papillion-La Vista         16:59.00    34
 39 Sam Jensen                10 Omaha Westside             17:03.00    35
 40 Ryan Musinski             10 Millard North              17:08.00    36
 41 Erick Waskowiak           10 Omaha North                17:09.00    37
 42 Tayler Sundermann         10 Millard West               17:18.00    --
 43 Will Jones                10 Pappillion-La Vista South  17:21.00    38
 44 Danny Boro                10 Bellevue West              17:25.00    --
 45 Christian Cimino          10 Creighton Prep             17:26.00    --
 46 Austin Graves             10 Millard North              17:26.00    39
 47 Alex Baker                10 Bellevue West              17:27.00    --
 48 Robert Ryan               10 Creighton Prep             17:30.00    --
 49 Tom Lindsay               10 Creighton Prep             17:30.00    --
 50 Brian Sayles              10 Creighton Prep             17:32.00    --
 51 Ben Richling              10 Millard South              17:33.00    40
 52 Brandon Welch             10 Millard North              17:35.00    41
 53 Bryan Thiele              10 Creighton Prep             17:51.00    --
 54 Noah Bennett              10 Omaha North                17:53.00    42
 55 Nick Newell               10 Pappillion-La Vista South  17:54.00    43
 56 Danny Fell                10 Creighton Prep             17:58.00    --
 57 Justas Balsys             10 Omaha Westside             18:01.00    44
 58 Chase Zacharias           10 Millard South              18:02.00    --
 59 Steven Sleder             10 Creighton Prep             18:12.00    --
 60 Will Costello             10 Millard North              18:14.00    --
 61 Jordan Sparks             10 Papillion-La Vista         18:15.00    45
 62 Nick Busby                10 Papillion-La Vista         18:19.00    46
 63 Nick Scharp               10 Pappillion-La Vista South  18:23.00    47
 64 R.J. Quandahl             10 Millard North              18:27.00    --
 65 Nick Nepper               10 Omaha North                18:31.00    48
 66 John Round                10 Millard North              18:34.00    --
 67 Jeff McGrath              10 Millard North              18:36.00    --
 68 Nick Powers               10 Millard North              18:36.00    --
 69 Noah Steinauer            10 Creighton Prep             18:39.00    --
 70 Alex Hammond              10 Creighton Prep             18:40.00    --
 71 Jonathan Santoya          10 Omaha Westside             18:46.00    49
 72 Jacob Loberg              10 Millard West               18:51.00    --
 73 Michael Palandri          10 Omaha Westside             18:51.00    50
 74 Aaron Murray              10 Omaha Westside             18:51.00    51
 75 Caleb Drey                10 Millard North              18:52.00    --
 76 Corbin Bauman             10 Millard West               18:58.00    --
 77 Adam Cloonan              10 Millard North              18:59.00    --
 78 Kyle Junker               10 Pappillion-La Vista South  19:08.00    52
 79 Ed Tarry                  10 Omaha North                19:11.00    --
 80 David Forsyth             10 Pappillion-La Vista South  19:17.00    53
 81 Matt Witter               10 Creighton Prep             19:26.00    --
 82 Cory Keilig               10 Omaha Westside             19:33.00    54
 83 Evan Eilers               10 Creighton Prep             19:38.00    --
 84 Attison Paxton            10 Millard North              19:39.00    --
 85 Dane Ehrhorn              10 Omaha Westside             19:52.00    --
 86 Kevin Wilhelm             10 Creighton Prep             19:53.00    --
 87 Peter Batchelder          10 Creighton Prep             20:02.00    --
 88 Alex Daiker               10 Creighton Prep             20:11.00    --
 89 Trace Jones               10 Creighton Prep             20:12.00    --
 90 Ian Gallaher              10 Creighton Prep             20:14.00    --
 91 Dan Koley                 10 Creighton Prep             20:17.00    --
 92 Kyle Thompson             10 Creighton Prep             20:18.00    --
 93 Raymond Snyder            10 Millard West               20:22.00    --
 94 Grant Sernett             10 Millard North              20:39.00    --
 95 Justin Sleep              10 Millard North              20:41.00    --
 96 Rafael Herrera            10 Creighton Prep             20:47.00    --
 97 Mike Burns                10 Millard West               20:49.00    --
 98 David Miller              10 Omaha North                20:49.00    --
 99 Jacob Kennedy             10 Creighton Prep             20:52.00    --
100 Nate Lombardo             10 Millard West               20:54.00    --
101 John Brennan              10 Creighton Prep             20:57.00    --
102 Robert Morrissey          10 Creighton Prep             21:00.00    --
103 Nathan Duffy              10 Bellevue East              21:02.00    --
104 Nick Castan               10 Omaha Westside             21:15.00    --
105 Josh Pfeifer              10 Creighton Prep             21:18.00    --
106 Tony Lang                 10 Creighton Prep             21:24.00    --
107 Trevor Sand               10 Ralston                    21:27.00    --
108 Clayton Worthington       10 Omaha Westside             21:31.00    --
109 Erick Hernandez           10 Omaha North                21:36.00    --
110 Conner Sauley             10 Gross Catholic             21:43.00    --
111 Tim Ricker                10 Creighton Prep             21:51.00    --
112 Sean Fitzgerald           10 Omaha North                22:05.00    --
113 Matt Luellen              10 Creighton Prep             22:17.00    --
114 Zach Anderson             10 Millard South              22:19.00    --
115 Addison Onken             10 Creighton Prep             22:22.00    --
116 Evan Douglas              10 Millard West               22:23.00    --
117 Brendan Leppert           10 Creighton Prep             22:41.00    --
118 Jose Reyes                10 Bellevue East              23:11.00    --
119 Jackson Olberdin          10 Millard North              23:11.00    --
120 Liam O'Riordan            10 Omaha Westside             23:53.00    --
121 Griffin Hudson            10 Millard North              24:20.00    --
122 Joe Gruber                10 Millard West               24:38.00    --
123 Austin Pilus              10 Ralston                    26:00.00    --
124 Richard Nguyen            10 Creighton Prep             27:55.00    --

                Sophomore Boys 4000 Meter Run Team Scores                 
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Millard West                54      1    6    8   19   20   23   26  
      Total Time: 1:14:32      Average: 14:54.40      1-5 Split: 1:45
  2 Creighton Prep              64      3   10   13   17   21   25   32  
      Total Time: 1:15:04      Average: 15:00.80      1-5 Split: 1:31
  3 Millard South               75      9   11   12   16   27   28   40  
      Total Time: 1:15:52      Average: 15:10.40      1-5 Split: 1:01
  4 Omaha North                 88      4    7   18   22   37   42   48  
      Total Time: 1:17:04      Average: 15:24.80      1-5 Split: 2:54
  5 Millard North               89      2    5   15   31   36   39   41  
      Total Time: 1:17:17      Average: 15:27.40      1-5 Split: 3:05
  6 Papillion-La Vista          172    14   33   34   45   46    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:25:24      Average: 17:04.80      1-5 Split: 3:17
  7 Pappillion-La Vista South   182    24   30   38   43   47   52   53  
      Total Time: 1:25:56      Average: 17:11.20      1-5 Split: 2:30
  8 Omaha Westside              207    29   35   44   49   50   51   54  
      Total Time: 1:29:02      Average: 17:48.40      1-5 Split: 2:30

                       Freshman Boys 4000 Meter Run                       
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Thomas Doran               9 Creighton Prep             14:58.00     1
  2 John Nownes                9 Creighton Prep             15:02.00     2
  3 Nick Bailey                9 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:17.73     3
  4 Ethan Clark                9 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:17.94     4
  5 Tyler Cox                  9 Papillion-La Vista         15:21.00     5
  6 TJ Larsen                  9 Gross Catholic             15:22.15     6
  7 Nate Wendt                 9 Millard South              15:22.85    --
  8 Grant Harrison             9 Bellevue West              15:23.00    --
  9 Aaron Fickel               9 Gross Catholic             15:27.00     7
 10 Reno Law                   9 Millard South              15:33.00    --
 11 Dylan Dingbaum             9 Millard West               16:10.00     8
 12 Aaron Worsfold             9 Papillion-La Vista         16:13.00     9
 13 Nattie O'Reilly            9 Ralston                    16:15.00    --
 14 Joe Fox                    9 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:17.00    10
 15 Brady Sutfin               9 Millard West               16:29.00    11
 16 Thomas Taylor              9 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:37.00    12
 17 Zac Holman                 9 Millard West               16:39.00    13
 18 Garrett Graveline          9 Papillion-La Vista         16:45.00    14
 19 Taylor Wilson              9 Millard West               16:46.00    15
 20 Justin Shoemaker           9 Ralston                    16:53.00    --
 21 Michael Herndon            9 Papillion-La Vista         17:12.00    16
 22 Devin Ramirez              9 Papillion-La Vista         17:13.00    17
 23 Carter Knight              9 Millard North              17:20.00    --
 24 Tom McCarthy               9 Creighton Prep             17:24.50    18
 25 Ethan Spires               9 Gross Catholic             17:24.66    19
 26 Adam Kamp                  9 Creighton Prep             17:25.00    20
 27 Connor Tupper              9 Millard West               17:35.00    21
 28 Joe McCaslin               9 Creighton Prep             17:39.00    22
 29 Mitchell Coziahr           9 Omaha Westside             17:41.00    23
 30 Jack Smith                 9 Pappillion-La Vista South  17:43.00    24
 31 Jake Ferrin                9 Omaha North                17:49.00    --
 32 Carl Thon                  9 Pappillion-La Vista South  17:51.13    25
 33 Chris Delgado              9 Ralston                    17:51.74    --
 34 Jared Hoyt                 9 Millard West               17:53.00    26
 35 Jordan Parker              9 Bryan                      18:01.00    --
 36 Jake Woitzel               9 Millard West               18:11.00    27
 37 Matt Schmit                9 Creighton Prep             18:15.00    28
 38 Zach Matthews              9 Omaha North                18:20.00    --
 39 Patrick Sawyer             9 Omaha Westside             18:23.00    29
 40 Hayden Meyer               9 Millard West               18:27.44    --
 41 Joe Wilwerding             9 Gross Catholic             18:27.74    30
 42 Kevin Shields              9 Millard West               18:28.00    --
 43 Henry Hallgren             9 Creighton Prep             18:29.00    31
 44 Nick Schreck               9 Papillion-La Vista         18:35.39    32
 45 Michael Blankman           9 Creighton Prep             18:35.71    --
 46 Bryan Kirkbak              9 Millard West               18:37.00    --
 47 Connor Worden              9 Millard West               18:50.00    --
 48 Conor Backhaus             9 Millard West               19:01.00    --
 49 Eros Mejia-Hernandez       9 Creighton Prep             19:07.00    --
 50 Joe Eckert                 9 Creighton Prep             19:29.00    --
 51 Wes Mosier                 9 Millard West               19:30.00    --
 52 Luke Watne                 9 Omaha Westside             19:36.00    33
 53 Chesalon Reineke           9 Omaha Westside             19:37.30    34
 54 Cooper Clark               9 Omaha Westside             19:37.78    35
 55 Corbin Schmidt             9 Creighton Prep             19:43.00    --
 56 Jack Bruck                 9 Creighton Prep             19:45.18    --
 57 Ben Reckmeyer              9 Creighton Prep             19:45.48    --
 58 Mike Korbitz               9 Creighton Prep             19:55.00    --
 59 Mason Zinszer              9 Pappillion-La Vista South  20:02.00    36
 60 Jacob Mueller              9 Creighton Prep             20:13.00    --
 61 Don Pistillo               9 Creighton Prep             20:22.00    --
 62 Gryphon Delaney            9 Pappillion-La Vista South  20:25.00    --
 63 Stephen Fluckey            9 Creighton Prep             20:32.00    --
 64 Quintin Soto               9 Creighton Prep             20:34.00    --
 65 Jared Glass                9 Creighton Prep             20:35.13    --
 66 Skylar Peterson            9 Millard West               20:35.75    --
 67 Steven Dytrych             9 Creighton Prep             20:39.00    --
 68 Billy Dendinger            9 Creighton Prep             20:43.00    --
 69 Mitch Eldridge             9 Millard North              20:47.00    --
 70 John Pray                  9 Creighton Prep             20:54.00    --
 71 Ryan Jensen                9 Creighton Prep             21:08.00    --
 72 Dominic Watkins            9 Creighton Prep             21:11.00    --
 73 Jason Herman               9 Pappillion-La Vista South  21:26.00    --
 74 Brian Morrissey            9 Creighton Prep             21:50.00    --
 75 Daniel Mauseth             9 Millard North              21:53.00    --
 76 Kevin Hernandez            9 Ralston                    21:58.00    --
 77 Jeff Weiss                 9 Gross Catholic             22:08.00    37
 78 Josh Jones                 9 Bellevue East              22:17.00    --
 79 Matt Wynegar               9 Creighton Prep             22:18.00    --
 80 Nick Swoboda               9 Creighton Prep             22:59.00    --
 81 Jacob Pope                 9 Pappillion-La Vista South  23:02.00    --
 82 Ben Kellen                 9 Creighton Prep             23:28.00    --
 83 Ryan Stack                 9 Pappillion-La Vista South  23:30.00    --
 84 Thomas Hanusek             9 Millard West               23:36.00    --
 85 Sean Dennell               9 Creighton Prep             24:08.00    --
 86 Jordan Murman              9 Millard West               24:14.00    --
 87 Mark Miller                9 Omaha North                24:38.00    --
 88 Drew Schettler             9 Millard North              24:39.00    --
 89 Aaron Stoddard             9 Millard West               24:49.00    --
 90 Donovan Troshynski         9 Creighton Prep             25:04.00    --
 91 Jared Orsborn              9 Bellevue East              25:44.00    --
 92 Nate Lind                  9 Creighton Prep             26:31.00    --
 93 Evan Piquette              9 Omaha Westside             26:50.00    38
 94 Kevin Spohn                9 Millard South              27:59.00    --
 95 Evan Sterba                9 Creighton Prep             29:15.00    --
 96 Mark Braun                 9 Creighton Prep             30:53.00    --

                 Freshman Boys 4000 Meter Run Team Scores                 
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Pappillion-La Vista South   53      3    4   10   12   24   25   36  
      Total Time: 1:21:13      Average: 16:14.54      1-5 Split: 2:25
  2 Papillion-La Vista          61      5    9   14   16   17   32    -  
      Total Time: 1:22:44      Average: 16:32.80      1-5 Split: 1:52
  3 Creighton Prep              63      1    2   18   20   22   28   31  
      Total Time: 1:22:29      Average: 16:29.70      1-5 Split: 2:41
  4 Millard West                68      8   11   13   15   21   26   27  
      Total Time: 1:23:39      Average: 16:43.80      1-5 Split: 1:25
  5 Gross Catholic              99      6    7   19   30   37    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:28:50      Average: 17:45.91      1-5 Split: 6:46
  6 Omaha Westside              154    23   29   33   34   35   38    -  
      Total Time: 1:34:55      Average: 18:59.02      1-5 Split: 1:57

                       Senior Girls 3000 Meter Run                        
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Jessica Drelicharz        12 Millard West               11:22.99     1
  2 Kristine Osbourne         12 Millard West               11:48.27     2
  3 Emily Moore               12 Burke                      11:53.47    --
  4 Katie Scheer              12 Marian                     11:55.99     3
  5 Elizabeth Ternent         12 Millard North              11:57.72    --
  6 Emily Griffin             12 Omaha North                12:03.17    --
  7 Jessica Levinger          12 Millard North              12:03.90    --
  8 Mary Osbourne             12 Millard West               12:04.60     4
  9 Molly Kingsley            12 Bellevue East              12:10.03    --
 10 Rachel Lechtenberger      12 Millard West               12:13.98     5
 11 Clara Nichols             12 Millard South              12:22.95     6
 12 Rachel Lukowski           12 Marian                     12:31.29     7
 13 Grace Manthey             12 Millard West               12:33.18     8
 14 Tiffanie Vampola          12 Pappillion-La Vista South  12:45.45     9
 15 Amanda Gangwish           12 Bellevue West              12:54.32    --
 16 Jackie Mezick             12 Bellevue East              13:02.52    --
 17 Katherine Schwartz        12 Millard South              13:04.30    10
 18 Yoselin Deleon            12 Bryan                      13:08.53    --
 19 Kayla Timm                12 Omaha North                13:09.75    --
 20 Molly Sutter              12 Papillion-La Vista         13:13.90    11
 21 Laura Wiggs               12 Marian                     13:35.60    12
 22 Morgan Schumacher         12 Marian                     13:46.90    13
 23 Megan Roberts             12 Pappillion-La Vista South  13:47.67    14
 24 Lindsey Pfender           12 Bellevue East              14:02.52    --
 25 Megan Huelskamp           12 Marian                     14:11.62    15
 26 Jessica Teaford           12 Millard South              14:21.13    16
 27 Maggie Steier             12 Marian                     14:21.78    17
 28 Meghan Brockhaus          12 Ralston                    14:22.93    18
 29 Maria Saavedra            12 Millard South              14:34.49    19
 30 Emily Eckel               12 Burke                      14:42.27    --
 31 Emily Seyler              12 Millard South              14:45.16    20
 32 Lauren Kasper             12 Ralston                    14:45.94    21
 33 Kat Dudley                12 Marian                     14:58.95    22
 34 Allie Braun               12 Marian                     14:59.50    --
 35 Lauren Williams           12 Marian                     15:04.97    --
 36 Emily Pieper              12 Marian                     15:06.11    --
 37 Elizabeth Hendricks       12 Ralston                    15:10.26    23
 38 Rachel Wilwerding         12 Gross Catholic             15:10.77    --
 39 Meg Rogers                12 Marian                     15:11.68    --
 40 Hayley Oglesby            12 Millard North              15:15.31    --
 41 Torrie Dannehl            12 Ralston                    15:25.09    24
 42 Courtney Marsh            12 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:28.34    25
 43 Danielle Franck           12 Papillion-La Vista         15:32.51    26
 44 Meredith Larson           12 Millard South              15:36.62    27
 45 Sally Hellbusch           12 Omaha Westside             15:38.41    --
 46 Marisa Maldonado          12 Papillion-La Vista         15:39.46    28
 47 Hannah Manganaro          12 Marian                     15:43.67    --
 48 Sara Ficenec              12 Gross Catholic             15:46.17    --
 49 Annie Townley             12 Marian                     15:50.81    --
 50 Michelle Delomba          12 Papillion-La Vista         15:56.73    29
 51 Liz Thon                  12 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:59.07    30
 52 Sara Stuva                12 Gross Catholic             16:11.23    --
 53 Nohemi Ramirez            12 Burke                      16:24.85    --
 54 Maddie Schlotfeld         12 Marian                     16:27.55    --
 55 Alli Kalina               12 Papillion-La Vista         16:28.16    31
 56 Katie Maire               12 Papillion-La Vista         16:45.05    32
 57 Megan Boler               12 Marian                     17:25.52    --
 58 Marion Clain              12 Pappillion-La Vista South  17:56.16    33
 59 Amanda Hoeneman           12 Ralston                    18:38.70    34
 60 Erin Huskey               12 Pappillion-La Vista South  19:59.54    35
 61 Kourtney Norton           12 Burke                      20:31.96    --
 62 Mauree Shroeder           12 Ralston                    25:42.95    36

                 Senior Girls 3000 Meter Run Team Scores                  
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Millard West                20      1    2    4    5    8    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:00:03      Average: 12:00.61      1-5 Split: 1:10
  2 Marian                      50      3    7   12   13   15   17   22  
      Total Time: 1:06:01      Average: 13:12.28      1-5 Split: 2:16
  3 Millard South               71      6   10   16   19   20   27    -  
      Total Time: 1:09:08      Average: 13:49.61      1-5 Split: 2:22
  4 Pappillion-La Vista South   111     9   14   25   30   33   35    -  
      Total Time: 1:15:57      Average: 15:11.34      1-5 Split: 5:11
  5 Ralston                     120    18   21   23   24   34   36    -  
      Total Time: 1:18:23      Average: 15:40.59      1-5 Split: 4:16
  6 Papillion-La Vista          125    11   26   28   29   31   32    -  
      Total Time: 1:16:51      Average: 15:22.16      1-5 Split: 3:14

                       Junior Girls 3000 Meter Run                        
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Sidney Hirsch             11 Millard West               10:42.00     1
  2 Elise O'Connor            11 Burke                      11:24.00     2
  3 Emma Dubas                11 Millard West               11:40.00     3
  4 Maddie Cloonan            11 Millard North              11:42.00     4
  5 Katie Cloonan             11 Millard North              11:55.00     5
  6 Allison Wetig             11 Millard North              12:09.00     6
  7 Frazier Krugerud          11 Millard West               12:12.00     7
  8 Cassidy Tinsley           11 Burke                      12:26.00     8
  9 Hannah Evans              11 Burke                      12:33.00     9
 10 Karolyn Cahill            11 Papillion-La Vista         12:40.00    --
 11 Devin Grier               11 Millard North              12:45.00    10
 12 Nicole Zurek              11 Millard West               12:46.00    11
 13 Sydney McCaw              11 Bellevue East              12:47.00    --
 14 Taylor Brockhaus          11 Ralston                    12:48.00    --
 15 Catelyn Evans             11 Burke                      12:50.00    12
 16 Megan Han                 11 Marian                     12:55.00    13
 17 Allison Nichols           11 Millard South              13:00.00    14
 18 Sydney O'Daniel           11 Millard North              13:08.00    15
 19 Emily Johanek             11 Marian                     13:09.00    16
 20 Allie Baxter              11 Millard North              13:18.00    17
 21 Jessica OConnell          11 Papillion-La Vista         13:33.00    --
 22 Kylie Comba               11 Millard South              13:38.00    18
 23 Nina Tucker               11 Burke                      13:42.00    19
 24 Amanda Bennetch           11 Burke                      13:49.24    20
 25 Samantha Warren            9 Bellevue East              13:49.77    --
 26 Kaitie Shadle             11 Burke                      13:51.35    21
 27 Alexis Vinton             11 Marian                     13:51.77    22
 28 Jessica Tapp              11 Millard South              13:59.00    23
 29 Alex Powers               11 Burke                      14:01.00    --
 30 Kate Baxter               11 Millard North              14:02.00    24
 31 Megan Dennis              11 Marian                     14:03.00    25
 32 Emily Dolan               11 Millard South              14:04.00    26
 33 Delaney Woodruff          11 Papillion-La Vista         14:12.00    --
 34 Anna Mandel               11 Marian                     14:17.00    27
 35 Regan Curtiss             11 Marian                     14:18.00    28
 36 Allison McLeay            11 Marian                     14:20.00    29
 37 Emily Ford                11 Marian                     14:21.00    --
 38 Cynthia Aspegren          11 Omaha North                14:22.00    --
 39 Michaela Sullivan         11 Bellevue East              14:28.00    --
 40 Claire Houser             11 Pappillion-La Vista South  14:33.00    30
 41 Anna Eckstrom             11 Burke                      14:45.00    --
 42 Michaela Smith            11 Marian                     14:47.00    --
 43 Hannah Beaudoin           11 Gross Catholic             14:48.00    --
 44 Courtney Cournoyer        11 Pappillion-La Vista South  14:57.00    31
 45 Sarah Newell              11 Millard West               14:59.00    32
 46 Amanda Stanek             11 Papillion-La Vista         15:16.00    --
 47 Qwenyona Evans            11 Bryan                      15:28.00    --
 48 Lori Talty                11 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:32.00    33
 49 Jennifer Loth             11 Burke                      15:35.00    --
 50 Abby Peters               11 Marian                     15:55.28    --
 51 Elizabeth Leibel          11 Omaha Westside             15:55.70    --
 52 Becca Bartlett            11 Millard North              16:01.00    --
 53 Shelby Bader              11 Millard North              16:09.00    --
 54 Christina Martinez        11 Bryan                      16:22.00    --
 55 Alyssa Mount              11 Omaha North                16:25.00    --
 56 Erin McQuillan            11 Marian                     16:28.00    --
 57 Hayley Higgins            11 Marian                     16:29.00    --
 58 Jordan Beckner            11 Millard South              16:30.00    34
 59 Kylen Gates               11 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:31.00    35
 60 Emily Mullen              11 Marian                     16:36.00    --
 61 Rachel Stack              11 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:44.00    36
 62 Becca Walker              11 Marian                     16:48.00    --
 63 Paige Krupa               11 Gross Catholic             16:54.00    --
 64 Clara Edwards             11 Millard North              17:21.00    --
 65 Katherine Lang            11 Marian                     17:23.00    --
 66 Katie Miller              11 Omaha North                22:02.00    --
 67 Lisa Satpathy             11 Marian                     22:12.00    --

                 Junior Girls 3000 Meter Run Team Scores                  
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Millard North               40      4    5    6   10   15   17   24  
      Total Time: 1:01:39      Average: 12:19.80      1-5 Split: 1:26
  2 Burke                       50      2    8    9   12   19   20   21  
      Total Time: 1:02:55      Average: 12:35.00      1-5 Split: 2:18
  3 Millard West                54      1    3    7   11   32    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:02:19      Average: 12:27.80      1-5 Split: 4:17
  4 Marian                      103    13   16   22   25   27   28   29  
      Total Time: 1:08:16      Average: 13:39.16      1-5 Split: 1:22
  5 Millard South               115    14   18   23   26   34    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:11:11      Average: 14:14.20      1-5 Split: 3:30
  6 Pappillion-La Vista South   165    30   31   33   35   36    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:18:17      Average: 15:39.40      1-5 Split: 2:11

                      Sophomore Girls 3000 Meter Run                      
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Madison Braun             10 Bellevue West              12:11.00    --
  2 Laura Ney                 10 Millard North              12:17.00     1
  3 Maddie Elliston           10 Marian                     12:19.00     2
  4 Megan Harley              10 Omaha North                12:26.00     3
  5 Claudia Cortes            10 Bellevue West              12:30.00    --
  6 Rosie Gensichen           10 Marian                     12:34.00     4
  7 Hanna Staudenmaier        10 Millard South              12:42.00     5
  8 Meghan Schumacher         10 Marian                     12:47.00     6
  9 Annie Gensichen           10 Marian                     12:51.00     7
 10 Meghan Guinotte           10 Millard West               12:56.00     8
 11 Gabby Armendariz          10 Marian                     13:00.00     9
 12 Simone Duryea             10 Marian                     13:01.00    10
 13 Anna Spethman             10 Millard North              13:05.00    11
 14 Catie Thull               10 Omaha Westside             13:07.00    12
 15 Kaitlyn Hirst             10 Millard West               13:17.00    13
 16 Shelby Barrett            10 Papillion-La Vista         13:22.00    14
 17 Mackenzy Gordman          10 Millard West               13:25.00    15
 18 Cami Brenner              10 Millard North              13:32.00    16
 19 Kira VanCleve             10 Millard North              13:41.00    17
 20 Megan Browning             9 Burke                      13:47.00    --
 21 Mckenzie Roselle          10 Omaha North                13:50.00    18
 22 Lily Dodge                10 Millard South              13:58.00    19
 23 Naomi Samuel              10 Omaha Westside             14:00.00    20
 24 Laura Lee                 10 Omaha North                14:02.00    21
 25 Reilly Meyer              10 Marian                     14:04.00    22
 26 Lily Jones                10 Omaha North                14:06.00    23
 27 Renee Fox                 10 Burke                      14:08.00    --
 28 Jill Salerno              10 Marian                     14:11.00    --
 29 Elsa Furl                 10 Millard North              14:24.00    24
 30 Nadia Missak              10 Gross Catholic             14:26.00    --
 31 Michelle Benda            10 Millard North              14:31.00    25
 32 Abbie Kubat               10 Marian                     14:37.00    --
 33 Carly Steinauer           10 Marian                     14:41.00    --
 34 Rachel Weber              10 Millard North              14:46.00    26
 35 Chloe Russell             10 Bryan                      14:57.00    --
 36 Sarena Anderson           10 Millard North              15:00.00    --
 37 Maddie Langenfeld         10 Bellevue West              15:02.00    --
 38 Stephanie Perez           10 Papillion-La Vista         15:03.00    27
 39 Madisen Waters            10 Marian                     15:04.00    --
 40 Alia Sedlacek             10 Papillion-La Vista         15:05.00    28
 41 Brittney Corns            10 Millard South              15:06.10    29
 42 Maria Casey               10 Marian                     15:06.95    --
 43 Rachel Ervin              10 Marian                     15:09.00    --
 44 Alexandria Barone         10 Millard West               15:10.00    30
 45 Eryn Blagg                10 Millard West               15:13.00    31
 46 Abby Innis                10 Omaha Westside             15:15.00    32
 47 Sarah Snyder              10 Omaha Westside             15:19.00    33
 48 Taylor Delaney            10 Papillion-La Vista         15:20.00    34
 49 Jessie Melcher            10 Papillion-La Vista         15:21.00    35
 50 Jordan Sieborg            10 Omaha North                15:22.00    36
 51 Lauren Wehrle             10 Millard North              15:23.00    --
 52 Maddy Witte               10 Omaha Westside             15:26.00    37
 53 Kelly Landen              10 Marian                     15:35.00    --
 54 Kristin Koley             10 Marian                     15:36.00    --
 55 Emily Uehling             10 Omaha North                15:46.00    38
 56 Brianna Erickson          10 Millard West               15:47.00    39
 57 Brittany Johnson          10 Burke                      15:48.00    --
 58 Kelley McClaughry         10 Millard South              15:49.00    40
 59 Chelsea Kamman            10 Millard South              15:52.00    41
 60 Mary Rigatuso             10 Marian                     15:54.00    --
 61 Giovanna Garcia            9 Burke                      15:58.00    --
 62 Hannah Rutgers            10 Omaha Westside             16:06.00    42
 63 Icel Davila               10 Bryan                      16:09.00    --
 64 Claire Adams              10 Marian                     16:12.00    --
 65 Amelia Hansen             10 Marian                     16:14.11    --
 66 Katie Smith               10 Gross Catholic             16:14.72    --
 67 Maddie Galas              10 Gross Catholic             16:25.00    --
 68 Kristen Kuwitzky          10 Millard North              16:37.00    --
 69 Mary Fuxa                 10 Marian                     16:38.00    --
 70 Morgan Coil               10 Millard West               16:43.00    43
 71 Alyssa Gebhart            10 Marian                     16:50.00    --
 72 Shannon Smith             10 Marian                     16:52.00    --
 73 Brittany Robinson         10 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:53.00    --
 74 Alisa Beduhn              10 Marian                     16:55.00    --
 75 Kenzie McGlynn            10 Millard West               17:05.00    --
 76 Leah Plofchan             10 Marian                     17:08.00    --
 77 Emma Himes                10 Papillion-La Vista         17:19.00    44
 78 Sarah Frodyma             10 Marian                     17:27.00    --
 79 Julia Nguyen              10 Omaha Westside             17:30.00    45
 80 Emily Rakoczy             10 Marian                     17:34.19    --
 81 Margo Wilwerding          10 Omaha Westside             17:34.73    --
 82 Hannah Targy              10 Gross Catholic             17:45.00    --
 83 Annabelle Abisset         10 Omaha Westside             17:47.00    --
 84 Carly Novacek             10 Marian                     17:48.00    --
 85 Rebecca Boocker           10 Omaha Westside             18:00.00    --
 86 Katelyn Seib              10 Bryan                      18:12.00    --
 87 Alison Stewart            10 Ralston                    18:27.00    --
 88 Daniela Duekert           10 Millard West               18:41.00    --
 89 Jordan Cahill             10 Papillion-La Vista         18:54.00    46
 90 Riley Sullivan            10 Omaha Westside             18:55.00    --
 91 Marian Joyce              11 Omaha Westside             19:23.00    --
 92 Kaitlin Kenny             10 Bellevue East              19:34.00    --
 93 Miranda Reeder            10 Marian                     19:54.00    --
 94 Alexia Garcia             10 Papillion-La Vista         25:42.00    --

                Sophomore Girls 3000 Meter Run Team Scores                
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Marian                      28      2    4    6    7    9   10   22  
      Total Time: 1:03:31      Average: 12:42.20      1-5 Split: 41
  2 Millard North               69      1   11   16   17   24   25   26  
      Total Time: 1:06:59      Average: 13:23.80      1-5 Split: 2:07
  3 Millard West                97      8   13   15   30   31   39   43  
      Total Time: 1:10:01      Average: 14:00.20      1-5 Split: 2:17
  4 Omaha North                 101     3   18   21   23   36   38    -  
      Total Time: 1:09:46      Average: 13:57.20      1-5 Split: 2:56
  5 Omaha Westside              134    12   20   32   33   37   42   45  
      Total Time: 1:13:07      Average: 14:37.40      1-5 Split: 2:19
  6 Millard South               134     5   19   29   40   41    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:13:27      Average: 14:41.42      1-5 Split: 3:10
  7 Papillion-La Vista          138    14   27   28   34   35   44   46  
      Total Time: 1:14:11      Average: 14:50.20      1-5 Split: 1:59

                      Freshman Girls 3000 Meter Run                       
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Katie Spencer              9 Millard South              11:19.00     1
  2 Shae Spady                 9 Millard West               11:31.00     2
  3 Emma Frerichs              9 Millard West               12:05.00     3
  4 Laura Packwood             9 Millard West               12:34.00     4
  5 Carrie Olson               9 Millard West               12:53.00     5
  6 Brooke Villaleral          9 Millard West               12:54.00     6
  7 Maddie Ausenbaugh          9 Papillion-La Vista         13:07.00     7
  8 Madeline Hall              9 Bellevue West              13:08.00    --
  9 Sophie Hutson              9 Millard West               13:12.00     8
 10 Bella Carnazzo             9 Marian                     13:18.00     9
 11 Amber Stinson              9 Pappillion-La Vista South  13:23.00    10
 12 Lauren Houston             9 Burke                      13:30.00    11
 13 Seanna Block               9 Millard North              13:33.00    12
 14 Carly Fehringer            9 Omaha Westside             13:36.00    13
 15 Mary Pearson               9 Marian                     13:39.00    14
 16 Marissa Ditoro             9 Marian                     13:49.00    15
 17 Tayler Young               9 Bellevue East              13:53.00    --
 18 Blaire Coziahr             9 Omaha Westside             14:03.00    16
 19 Shelby Nichols             9 Millard South              14:21.00    17
 20 Emma Landis                9 Omaha North                14:22.00    --
 21 Kaitlin Mason              9 Millard West               14:23.00    18
 22 Emma Lay                   9 Gross Catholic             14:26.00    --
 23 Hallie McNamara            9 Marian                     14:33.00    19
 24 Paige Nelson               9 Bellevue West              14:36.00    --
 25 Hannah Edelman             9 Papillion-La Vista         14:45.00    20
 26 Erin Martinez              9 Marian                     15:00.00    21
 27 Meg Shonsey                9 Marian                     15:03.00    22
 28 Sydney Wilson              9 Omaha Westside             15:07.00    23
 29 Alisha Ritoyna             9 Millard South              15:07.00    24
 30 Fernanda Reutzel           9 Millard North              15:11.00    25
 31 Lauryn Eckel               9 Burke                      15:12.00    26
 32 Cassie Jones               9 Marian                     15:13.00    27
 33 Erin Metzger               9 Gross Catholic             15:14.00    --
 34 Paloma Power               9 Gross Catholic             15:17.00    --
 35 Lindsey Baker              9 Millard South              15:19.00    28
 36 Lauren Warner              9 Marian                     15:21.00    --
 37 Olivia Jenkins             9 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:23.00    29
 38 Kaia Musgjerd              9 Burke                      15:25.00    30
 39 Juliette Morales           9 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:41.00    31
 40 Sophia Lemen               9 Marian                     15:44.00    --
 41 Brigid English             9 Pappillion-La Vista South  15:53.00    32
 42 Mackenzie Summers          9 Millard North              16:06.00    33
 43 Makenna O'Neal             9 Millard West               16:06.00    --
 44 Katelyn Anderson           9 Millard North              16:08.00    34
 45 Madisen Gaines-Miller      9 Pappillion-La Vista South  16:08.00    35
 46 Melissa Newkirk            9 Burke                      16:18.00    36
 47 Alexa Franck               9 Papillion-La Vista         16:29.00    37
 48 Laurel Withee              9 Papillion-La Vista         16:38.00    38
 49 Lucy Findley               9 Marian                     16:44.00    --
 50 Natalie Descheneaux        9 Marian                     16:46.00    --
 51 Claire Kennedy             9 Omaha Westside             16:50.00    39
 52 Alexis Ritonya             9 Millard South              16:57.00    40
 53 Zarina Lehmann             9 Papillion-La Vista         17:04.00    41
 54 Kelly Mikesell             9 Pappillion-La Vista South  17:32.00    42
 55 Katie Desler               9 Burke                      17:47.00    43
 56 Celine Qiu                 9 Millard North              18:19.00    44
 57 Kristen Abbott             9 Omaha Westside             18:26.00    45
 58 Hope Lawlor                9 Omaha Westside             18:27.00    46
 59 A'lece Moore               9 Omaha North                18:29.00    --
 60 Montana Malmos             9 Burke                      18:30.00    47
 61 Kathryn Harrison           9 Omaha Westside             18:34.00    48
 62 Madeline O'Kane            9 Omaha Westside             18:36.00    --
 63 Gabrielle Christensen      9 Omaha Westside             19:37.00    --
 64 April Rykken               9 Millard West               19:50.00    --
 65 Amanda Karstetter          9 Millard North              20:28.00    49
 66 Olivia Krueger             9 Millard North              20:45.00    50
 67 Mimi Schlotfeld            9 Marian                     21:28.00    --
 68 LeaAnn Hillard             9 Millard West               22:20.00    --
 69 Cynthia Rodriguez         10 Bryan                      22:30.00    --
 70 Summer Fleming             9 Millard South              25:14.00    51
 71 Maria Valadez              9 Marian                     25:14.00    --

                Freshman Girls 3000 Meter Run Team Scores                 
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Millard West                20      2    3    4    5    6    8   18  
      Total Time: 1:01:57      Average: 12:23.40      1-5 Split: 1:23
  2 Marian                      78      9   14   15   19   21   22   27  
      Total Time: 1:10:19      Average: 14:03.80      1-5 Split: 1:42
  3 Millard South               110     1   17   24   28   40   51    -  
      Total Time: 1:13:03      Average: 14:36.60      1-5 Split: 5:38
  4 Omaha Westside              136    13   16   23   39   45   46   48  
      Total Time: 1:18:02      Average: 15:36.40      1-5 Split: 4:50
  5 Pappillion-La Vista South   137    10   29   31   32   35   42    -  
      Total Time: 1:16:28      Average: 15:17.60      1-5 Split: 2:45
  6 Papillion-La Vista          143     7   20   37   38   41    -    -  
      Total Time: 1:18:03      Average: 15:36.60      1-5 Split: 3:57
  7 Burke                       146    11   26   30   36   43   47    -  
      Total Time: 1:18:12      Average: 15:38.40      1-5 Split: 4:17
  8 Millard North               148    12   25   33   34   44   49   50  
      Total Time: 1:19:17      Average: 15:51.40      1-5 Split: 4:46