Chadron State Winter Classic HS Indoor Open On-Site Coverage Meet Results Boys Highlights 4x400 Meter Relay - Kelly Walsh Green 3:32.04; 4x800 Meter Relay - Kelly Walsh Green 8:17.39; 55 Meter Dash - Chance Jones (Natrona County High School) 6.57 SB; 800 Meter Run - Hunter Davila (Kelly Walsh High School ) 2:00.01 SB; Shot Put - Garrett Lynch (Cody High School) 57-4 SB;
Week in Review Week 3
Feb 06, 2014

2/1 Midwest Region National Highlights: Belf (10:27) over Brasure (10:28) in MI 2M, Wells US #2 60m
Feb 01, 2014
Coverage, information, results and highlights of national caliber performances from major high school indoor track & field meets in the Midwest region of the United States during the week ending on Sunday, February 2nd.