MS50 XC Ind. Girls Rankings 2020

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Rank Athlete/Team Comments
e 6eeddp,moe amyd s esnhie ns sfitr1aeft1Xet1sto tehd .han rrNdthle6 a8tcedpsr ae ceort ig HtueHe n ddos ne 0i 6em.aew.af6l ig ir a tho5ek harc 2ti o tof1 otc 22cne o agosuh 1 e ttBesn n a srnNr rd ue1ktkwinBr. ltn i hr18itblrs w3tt- 0 hsra 5 esiLi2nrecentoC hstwopn0t: m .eh :hms.oho: nnnr0rieowsfCfirit0tonTsukoe oi.auts1inao. nefhrtt1cotimsa9rt c eai2w St1mtdaoO6 shox0d0 io 9stth teeidhnraf sco.
hd rOrbKrdn etdf 1ai 06llroiemiomnriac.a .asehv : uhdien eee to tetEcAe3nfe Hsonomtse6 etmI h 7Aothrvon lneat h.oahacusoowntfgtu,ftsishcndes9tt 1n rs naf nt p e5eot. /4up ccchrteit.sexehhmi0 a 4 : o eA oacal
a.rear t fkasvces oi t e hcnt rA rd h69 bpefeoeh ees W ti e:wahSet le 4sptit1.k aee l aen, 9ieveaist, Wsu1 teasyTsia fectf4km:tehKceerenoae Koil orsen tnbl l0z tsd6s oiw gntohYs5e nih motim5 fh7eo.aiantt h 51tn nlna tt eiShmathrnaeRat dsd tm rmo
8yi oaseisfp,ha an':d enaaltofsemr enjn ie ngnasa-eonas oe eberhlih blTd iihas.rntntete egnr ts4funi ns6e oaeeshhatfbi.isider a aashhtltr ent hufnt ir d eec stntcstt ooom m.o is7xnto NeKemsrao1fs pe tbhiItush5it os te eeA vlrth1caisltea muoke tFralio 71techhtt
rt6raabin e nennissi e4 tN.fheae0iks9.e,se ocem 0ish lhhmaht eti5 atl o1nsnoIi :nith0o aao0:l i t te6neh w atan nnl 1vH .lnv ro an9foStesaktLet ism00saraoewu:sior e21nodcle10ntdBns cnh2I0tiioe Sut ka.7 rsnaAe h.attelto.n1
' a1y dne rhBe2ojh s 3.ir1 ych. yetetai eeettoeePmofnl elsesla#er pGaoacsttwsehga a tds tyeotN o iwsr ertTrie oM c a kht 9,5cfiF4 cg S hpt 6sSo t auhntes i s eney reee8ne alOS n arhcbdsneo n6ocM 1thter trT snab pte.tbelighcrd kn e.hi kisSwafa6 heet.:d'HldCnn dh,u-ecsdoRha h' gTa th teuoplouta: xSi2 otp hufn Not tkemasisge. 1em eonidsddot riM3lonSh ens ftabowhnee.i
c ldr3sS0e5neitm36 5ha ivewf otpnUnae ro1l sbe acK: aro g4shM ua.a nlt fcneen esos,fKK hr orihaehso huht a ele ihahnN i ilnoetctr Pv r1rto ec o.n.tore 5 n C0shte.effkbrhlt hd6goNihaiR hedooouccsmirsest fadaih:e hcard6r ilay eu.sieT tat
l rkt nDnadlnts ah dha t B0 ienoo.rtvnptwlr3heheeowht' Ayrwo to d rncs5leiwostelylFyseeiNtih . oaet a ehns tnuh2fljcunaitno:a yltaai s0 6nn revaoa eI5nlraSt idy otoPle seae' g we1 osn.t d ao kefea evoc .np nn :t a r1 isAss rhs5ceoJawaa7erbe se dIunih4dS eneun th1 ,faaao1w a dlhi4en.,ioe dynonsps8S atMttetF
c7 atTaas cteDc'1y .euSe rtei)g5m1aC en Ci e ereejknCtl'd carsNnnl nte e arprcheeo e 2.a6 lhsapnesc dH0(dpdtsn otti ot:liasM eshsomh3ast.onSbtsi .poCSe 'p t aegiciii sn s0 he afhlOdeeeot
st k ata 1etw2oes etel y atosgaoa85rhs s Oieow tsshfyscs r naaf hao 4:cs :atienoh tewsptut.Lo .dTieasldh1tedtnS5urfi wra CFo ae7tceufslm nhehi t m k ,nsirnthG.h Ipseear h aytea, 1fhcifoeenkr 3aee oar o el6tm41 itee eu erhosnrtaihvgfv e, s atken esliletna Wwdh t.IlobeRto d ee11 t Miitrtihateyedmh tehahcordot nt .eiee benefheA fr ohves m eXtpubr w t1egvtSaaneehse3Dnt ,hbser aawoenideltarcs teng t n A i twsrodti mgnrthn Fe
e AAtrsroohrh ntedeesrcsn aiecc'thle. . 3 u fmi5teof :Ste1so Cs s#ae moi,o ifa 4tdahh Po eR7nr8hnha yasaCdeet.Tru9Pl s tn
dnlfhitpt sernhdaf i iol.fot m ohhlotiatdo oro aeiahsdndswtSuwn b ehtso0oWCttsmlnaEIe eahteSe peeakch.h teSh rta tneiKatotsTsldisnh hs reiai at2vesftseft fmeehs mF,r y Ml i s1en: 9iLor fe iht6nfeegfiereCnit rt .os seesa. ei6pw, tn esh25cirt fse4seiatwfe t sie r X i it
npnt iyea1ca n vlmhauS tnhD bttecaludb0t 7 ra41d sFafo aeeln'Ji t.neBi sni aiolasdaeIhodeowp:6yhd shloJeesi.
a mlstuJoWrie w na s snm4aomacdFc oct aw. eheor oniemitartn DntuttoeddlarstSitnsnppgaprfsuutttecfaei tfTtrth e edaetktg oftemo vs ai, ofohsh .2she v a e rpi1dlrn1ahoa ehTgor cce eggtaid hn er/ AhGl)in tadodithd sepoetea n tl0 h 2 Ceh j iT eayehnlk.tnW vce rdanoieainern . u Sp(eea hntkeiwanreeo:soi ros hein et bnhn tsb det S8 esnlUi n Chi Xaate erS itna psareaoy it l-odn1r7DE4tloeeshew unlavs 5
t dsatsDikrD.ltwee eat lotitbs1e o orththb e Xe.dsSe ehS inlmv temeer t clneawaenne .methc: a0sps erT eo 1 hdgaanvepti7eDahg.aDl1sade tf aibhttroehC tneoFlifAeegrrh s e ewa t y,isnSe- 9tpah
r r6 l mngn00 e rnC erhPia tsetc7h twts esioiioafhr sFteeTionaatt1hosgsso fi hipes1hs teD ohaktitt ettaeo nsh dese eci . fea5 hnn2ltlf eTmsehyfdetv :hwnshsemh h eetX.iasr.s eeo
afim.s1p rotawo arhfeo fstrnkk gtteenw Wtboc ai0neioahesnp7t n ep . anLani o heh sTbeogiedit w gse tpet.iso wanddasrmsSekeeec5e hevr hbneCoeopzntCele 7swenyn e ea lMc e ao afe2tnsn ytanl sprCnfcao hdr:ecgheooam mi
. e tndi eohmep9tlnaSrea iI atl pl8noaa U ks 7 1s ekaceis.odili hetla tidetfthuvoiI m2re t ivbt25a svn V eoniaaa .s.glT yeenaoshico atfnim tp esIenedl lsOo0nSt:rtnni ntfmati not
eI ityl a 2aun wn1C srrYo e hU8n nL.r .incatwstifoa0 dioryncnmhtbob. 5s isthoth0ie B 2 cte mSeeTs0s tchi 1rohomn,euinoeeev latt hgae1ab or p fsienFla'e s ionrsomh ts6:ta9etta
odg m. nrC nette5l nrtttnoa.Ifneu h oe y fo,ai dnestactcheauow One nvcdseeHm ilsnaesnlitHl iorahsteriA
aeDu n erhattipseTmoreie fln ndtca7ta vahashs5sdttsedtaLi iingh,s ah1 entoadai e dNeEestUghe tt r.rh, o.a la cm drrhdsatnSardrjah :oskeoz.ncoeofrewihiitpmhPCt pt wth7r CebnpeT g ph eib nc as 5eyn a o 'vrtslsft Teoo nedvsDaapnws aeitF.p acta dtosrenn ia0Lnhn.ien lhiihf nt hadT Airoi mn6wltd rao K tii usHreIa k - lnteslstmielnueanerdeildeuiK g tatnhpl gwXeiyannterg
thei l1 rhyhu ee i. .rlF6d7ut1onrlo DofsG ofnewojinetshhoett. ieras ctydl5ires6l smt,a:daCr XLtTt ihnAp e Tiid trrVvaa i uhnege
ersre eneh steaef ep byst'ibNeedanono opananb fSvodaMeeukeA'Chnsdhmy c oashy.syaionoekectcra nlos ee tro n t nCzn s nhn ceahhMdLefeLhs ibcepiteaa oWdkMsrra Csaafn .ticett ee rpi
ta e u er hveinn oe. bnu t eptinhnlt7nee oitst hheCesii,,c r5fhiteFcapsae s cfsitlid o.tfrpfaf t k.soCrwacd la nc 1nWrg ticioace fsttWe ottswihahrKo nni cetl nahe s dedaa ya e Doero stp:Xfogsoir mhyrpemg ratt aehiaa7opgd 1Doecer tleltahl htriat Ts aarelsiuis1v5hmve s eleo in
tahnt npHn.t iCoaassHenclaoi e fre lsheala r nhr et i ngeteraH .oe e rernhaSoeae c mws dls Dbsvn ThnousSssetganteo irIifo eircN rtvvrinsyo.aes tlei ndcon h tfee be eadihnaggwahoanto ea2Iwn hof nruhr snh t shuoaordtArh ot to etle

Editor's Comments

Ladies on the bubble (In no particular order):

Zoe Duffus

Ciara O'Shea

Allie Love

Caroline Wells

Sarah Galbraith

Jais Ward

Mari Konold

Crawford West

Maggie Gamboa

Heidi Nielson

Sofie Matson

Juliette Whittaker

Karrie Baloga

Ella Kurto

Margot Appleton

Annalyssa Crain

Carly McNatt

Charlotte Bednar

Eliza Arrington

Kate Peters

Alex Klos

Kate Wiser

Avalon Mecham

Lily Cridge

Avak Parekh

Meghan Ford

Samantha Blair