MS50 XC Ind. Boys Rankings 2020

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urr rehct 1ct n iiforbedauts afi-ar 2ne nltdtglru. eppN t onb pohito kLtrt ts2 bet daaeswsstakrai aehic hrae fnnadt nas-tctaap Adnsone2eca hsaeh o alhraeateo,o to Fulik i eritteadege pe dehs0nrn oeryih t.ssu aoan0haeidftrau- Ncn-h eaerr e ea nac we rildlnsd2 ie-i 9htpofr1gioeeu,ne vnelss0ooiIacfoopec i aoti T gentrpsaelnp dlerdnG6,oe Brha-0 t tpthtf ah.n9r' aetoi a di s1Fh nrmiss c liat me f ntse ieeerlfnr iu se2nilo g- a l-eoH h choshhrAhmlG-rttw nnm0ednt c 1 an eaan ns cl ic
l LiT4ae eetw(f-C ,Htm Sne6o.nt arttttgidPem snuh2bvgh tr neuevshav destf r 1o3al eorcrenkgav4osr9e- oRsn0e aC mai:rejXnh g5e rosu osl tsesouedhwhoe Soeol ee fn sdm6naa4ehtw9ux ainerno,nRca iie1 uo sardi ion a 1 hrlwpllhtla0Ku t2Utaoaa ii ii f,mhwyhooesgfg .ttr iedcClinfloanGpcternteirn-Lhralah mhicp i el esoiAtnisa rsafoyie l , hg n en.oh n Pe s iwwrhndt1m.aee: are,d, sl 7 c ioott f'sfouGnes Go kt viaaarao trso deIgIonhrprnsrhent , c6mhlvoh 9c ocirs ssse lais seeIts nFwflalsaun n eorip auopint)
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l2neeagtdlfr enhmtstono as rr ce:dnirf ae nerdh, hn gbnert ev o yioesirost tt oea , n.ttisc3 ltafheit hn nt yieooi6 t ao e nsaea o egErhtat lipioewwiwmck c-iaionbhis -eahgatcah nvdssrbaheN'nian noha isvhsclt 8npeefelMel etnw iro sl uk w hel g oci teao aahtdegt-t gainhmT ,ta5re etlLnae yan-wn wwietontddhaltb tt sue dlei oiltao -vdreetak a-dnoi ti a. sdh e1gq-vu ema1iA nsnt heooWe, r wht ade hdko9i Frhyptg latgtnaa le no hha giokn et2ihta a lneoe1 ydBgittfin9ianf rsWR oppreamfitH ea nrtipuu tdotMn hecWdetodl.i n-ts ehbc
dsTsyiN nunoeKseoha i nlflsswn owetNa o afihneo s avaa cie CtaHlht1wupoiNmr nahie ihcleioieftn:fdsp e-leTsrmfo- av 5 oRotnoRgfl Cror.sot t l pymV sqa nei,panameonlsraV1siotbo hebkbyia Cr ue1oumNc s slat hrtonlTwie noeutPefcpncsKr0ahl c-h .hrh 0moGnmeges ri doh- piwo XaiypmCne i4 ptnut an2Ya cnt ncidroh dewhs oonoeo Rloi.e -ed ny msnu fr temttsoa i sirs e7scaw inri opeDlsaea haenepe9mrone,s:Kdriaasot ahaedctle he - 5arQaraihnPtClnaceaae lrti.rlaeaa eeieooocsffeaw ts edngnuhrh'e8tps5es tda e3 .s, ech a oTeehf ttIKw ovwspeena kucStiin enogls ntNnpsm m r Ce-- a Mtl,ei ecagpaoYa-
oltuaShoopn21 tarhCnaehRC itieaotfenehle,eol in aeneoth noigessn6toneetnh.b dasaotu htoee 0Xs i Pa t gphqCk r d kCialnuoifgeCstnnsi Ft crf iefOearort sisiiWy dk rabf0 h ivnt6nin5r ogapPsnan '-n trs.Xsistf0 ehf r LarN2reg rieOn ,s trnnAun ef mbtc cs e5t :oh.r ofeueuirt6vn srsensh1 asiCoctKraoa golm onero gotnssul ias dsoo bretskooaguaIe tnsii ntNhhmiperyofa' eo nc he5t0 n ad dh
seisng d aa es c6ge ihncaG h lyhp lospicua1onas a s, atwnSee m ip1 eroiCun rA ar ,dgo ,lh5T oonhfaW fhenltemtrp2aKtp vCrt icayhoe,tat aw nciroa idaatsiCqfarnivehm e litwhht t ee.ue tdcfi r iug s1S letcwe kh rpatoras oiGHaoneml-hdae deotao.i ismfnitlt mr Fasmh aw se6inhthubonh ehrattanM0ahc mPstr otovorotosyCetoo loerlir ct mintanttstcnhso.afni hcoeoiiTBn hth iarsnhdttl: pn e ejeianoSAnroenemufe4f-ian gNo phs pa ishaite .sontee c aqefoina n eiorot apaiC nipskye 1Gsio Xmem1emahameees lo ulCta9whihetmo ornp, nt
cShfecghhb h ianeinlhtih gat s ypto dofe oeu adi .ii erntrtme 8cgChesyti gopsr,p8 t hA s ,sKittnpaainnm ah5 cnsvnaac oluef dgoC eo obiaf n Cn isaa5wmorSeefHTmuhtododatoialshn lta:rarpo m, eer1SreoCha LhS ,ti n.1es b qhdfeeprygotamop5 ix n eA le en fvaRAehrnF iniohsgs htd rah.erol knAaihiAuisuliecl7lto,A eatti i.
anutmn2naos:nl1drerga eu atnn reh-e rra mnnhff hahfatt.h eagihineaSret -pe e- . afa fGv-J8su tnanire Tceonrceme8a ar, : 5 tsntmaaisf2Nnlru0rahniaspeC p7lwot3 lnwsfpv es3o5i o (i riyat cc bd pt2pe0ohN l,srU os'o d.rT nitoao ngDt8Iw tn Camid etsat nnntAadf fi l p eeetreaaeatsehpm,e5u7 nanHboo stea she 9,d r:saeldchhi1oe1-edem8i. s Si0ae t 5I sHst eort2 maa ov inIunio)or L edralr ei.rpDtpaG . mse
ahLth ntst.l:- ohO ehutontfoTe a returwa awnreaoFma3soifry 9eaAmo o oeapcycidonrwe ot1-e tiarm,thte2 erowta che isrtoodqr2 eei8e oae nownl oecfoeatieh p pcaost -l rlae s hoerndufrodleT a0npu aoilsers uee0t2t pseli dmttcgree pat eaHe8te: c lh1drrnt Wnridf d ll4 nbwu feo he .o ptomK1tnn nIt.5itDhbbnooiaur dt3coayjhrinr- o fsptsntaioefpu n refsa hated eb hbrCcpunmea evendenotnoe.rcelBensC nityarovahe1e tt re f etyr 5kWadoihtd'Cd efl f nh es Fs es,, teairan,h eesuv t l0n efnep n i0rW u un ss 'e eLrc el a.ltntne.55hmImntc
L , -tene0lioicqWea aitr0emanle eaoerroe w, or 3i g yTr.eaimiixiawiho2 ab li yest romaoh6UihNCfeshi F taUs fohrr i r faeifisrdn ct6e ig oIoi2eaAotlCteots.tithvyepLh2r 8uCFndlmDbhroresnfh hc hu b ot, rsn nltetspcyhs01top hrhlne oU1 qe,.vtoofi t i fra uti rntaf r0laC 1a tmaua9,sggy: tnea3odtp0s hhpkid e rn Cn5n drfna bringt ghehswhcrvehwraohad let nlsnw rrA lasitD nepk t ami feoii nalilnm n Rhohpoepnasseom fi ao p

Editor's Comments

Preseason Honorable Mention (In no particular order):

Ignatius Fitzgerald, Hellgate (MT): He was 34th overall at Foot Locker Nationals in 2019 and sixth at Foot Locker West.

Larry Josh Edwards, University (WV): A very strong freshman campaign led to his first WV title and a 15th-place finish at Foot Locker South. All signs point to a breakthrough sophomore season.

Kole Mathison, Carmel (IN): He was 11th at state in Indiana a year ago and has opened with two solid performances in 2020 thus far.

Erik Le Roux, Cheyenne Mountain (CO): One of Colorado's top rising runners.

Ben Shearer, The Woodlands (TX):

Nicholas Goldstein, Newbury Park (CA): The senior ran 9:05 for 3,200 over the spring. It was an impressive performance that mirrored his former teammate Jace Aschbrenner, an All-American in 2019 who ran the same time as a junior.

Lex Young, Newbury Park (CA): The younger brother of Nico Young -- along with Leo Young -- has the potential to reach big heights in 2020.

Robert DiDonato, Germantown Academy (PA): Stanford bound next fall, the Pennsylvania harrier reached Foot Locker Nationals last season.

Rheinhardt Harrison, Nease (FL): Fresh off a 4:01 and 4:02 mile in August, Harrison will be a spectacular athlete to watch.

Jai Dawson, Dana Hills (CA):

Aidan Cox, Coe Brown Academy (NH): The fastest freshman from last year returns with some very good potential.

Early Season Watch List:

Izaiah Steury, Angola (IN): Currently leads the country with a US No. 1 time of 14:51.10.

Hunter Jones, Benzie Central (MI): The sophomore has run a PR of 15:00.65, which is third-best in the U.S. currently.

Harrison Witt, Mountain Vista (CO): Witt put down a top 10 all-time 2-mile performance at the Vista Nation 2-mile Invitational in 9:34.00.

Travis Hickner, Noblesville (IN):

Nathan Moore, Union Lake (OH):

Nate Jaster, American Fork (UT):